“Building a Bridge” by S.Bock Review

The chosen reading is Bock’s “Building a bridge: Founded by marine veteran-turned-actor, arts in the Armed Forces seeks to unite military, theater communities.” Bock has overviewed the activity and benefits of the non-profit organization Arts in the Armed Forces (AITAF). This topic is described through the stories and interviews of several ex-combatants who actively engage in arts after their service. The writer seems to describe the organization in a neutral manner, which is characteristic for the genre of articles purely informational in character. Yet, there are some comments on the adversities of COVID-19 and recognition of its influence on the AITAF. Bock’s (2020) intended audience is the participants of the AITAF, as well as potential new members from the military, which is seen by the mention of submission for the organization’s contests and invitations to join it. The context of the article is the COVID-19 interruption in the performance of the members. The structure of the article presents brief information on the most prominent participant of AITAF, then a detailed description of his work, and concludes with the current problems of the organization.

Regarding Deborah A. Miranda’s thought on the natural world’s ability to motivate people to redirect their lives, it could be stated that interaction with flora, fauna, and inanimate materials could not bring healing all alone. Indeed, the contemplating process available when being outside can put one’s thoughts in the right place. However, it is not enough to be with nature, one needs to be able to reflect on their life and make connections with the outer world. Thus, the natural environment presents a convenient medium for restructuring one’s mind but is not sufficient for any changes to happen in it.


Bock, S. (2020). Building a bridge: Founded by marine veteran-turned-actor, arts in the Armed Forces seeks to unite military, theater communities.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, June 7). “Building a Bridge” by S.Bock Review. https://studycorgi.com/building-a-bridge-by-s-bock-review/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) '“Building a Bridge” by S.Bock Review'. 7 June.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Building a Bridge” by S.Bock Review." June 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/building-a-bridge-by-s-bock-review/.


StudyCorgi. "“Building a Bridge” by S.Bock Review." June 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/building-a-bridge-by-s-bock-review/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“Building a Bridge” by S.Bock Review." June 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/building-a-bridge-by-s-bock-review/.

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