C. Entry Mode: Thanksgiving Travel Ticks

Considering the challenges of geographical distance, a significant part of customers’ luxury experience at Badrutt’s Palace Hotel is high-quality service. The expansion to the American market will require additional time for training new employees and forming the administrative staff. In this aspect, cultural differences may present a barrier to implementing European service quality standards and require additional changes to local cultural patterns. For example, the simple language barrier between the training instructors and new employees may adversely affect the service quality.

Furthermore, meal plans present a significant difference between European American hospitality standards. The traditional American plan includes three meals in a day, while the European plans are generally limited to the cost of accommodation. Thus, in order to provide quality food services to all visitors, the hotel management will need to create an efficient transportation system to ensure the availability of the required amount of products.

Furthermore, it was mentioned earlier that the hotel’s operation at the ski resort implies the seasonal character of work for employees. This means that the hotel administration will need to create a system for employees’ transportation to the resort before the start of the peak season and after its end. While the location at Vail Resorts can extend the seasonal operating window, the hotel administration should also consider the cultural factor of the holiday season in America. Europeans generally do not celebrate Thanksgiving; however, in America Thanksgiving holiday marks the beginning of the skiing season. Moreover, the population tends to travel to more distant locations during the Thanksgiving holidays (Diaz, 2022). Therefore, the hotel management should reconsider the views on hotel occupancy during the Thanksgiving holiday period in order to adapt to different sociocultural conditions.


Diaz, A. (2022). Thanksgiving travel ticks up, just shy of pre-pandemic levels. NewsRoom. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "C. Entry Mode: Thanksgiving Travel Ticks." December 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/c-entry-mode-thanksgiving-travel-ticks/.


StudyCorgi. "C. Entry Mode: Thanksgiving Travel Ticks." December 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/c-entry-mode-thanksgiving-travel-ticks/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "C. Entry Mode: Thanksgiving Travel Ticks." December 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/c-entry-mode-thanksgiving-travel-ticks/.

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