Cancer Treatment Process Perceived by Women With Ovarian Cancer


The article “Preserving oneself in the face of uncertainty: A grounded theory study of women with ovarian cancer” explores how the process of treating ovarian cancer affects the well-being and physical and emotional state of women. The research aimed to analyze the “theme of preserving oneself in the face of uncertainty” and to develop recommendations for nurses to help patients in a similar situation (Pozzar & Berry, 2019, p. 595). A search for evidence was conducted based on a grounded theory approach, and the data was gathered via individual interviews (Pozzar & Berry, 2019). The article was found on the PubMed database, and the following keywords were used to search: decision-making, ovarian cancer, patient-centered care, and self-concept. This research was carried out on adult women with ovarian cancer, studying its influence on patients’ physical and mental health, and comparing patient-centered care to what is practiced now in achieving patients’ well-being during the treatment process.

Summary of the Research Article

In this article, a female gynecological disease, ovarian cancer, was investigated. It is the leading cause of cancer death among women and has a 47% survival rate (Pozzar & Berry, 2019). Treatment of ovarian cancer is a long and challenging process, so the mental state of patients affects the effectiveness of therapy (Pozzar & Berry, 2019). Accordingly, this study aims to develop a recommendation for improving the quality of care for women with ovarian cancer. Therefore, the authors interviewed patients to describe their perception of the treatment and care process and to find areas for improvement.

The article is based on an observational study as the authors use case reports of a small selection of patients that reported their impressions of the treatment process. Well-planned and well-regulated observational research is considered level II or III evidence. Case reports are recognized as level III testimony and highly criticized for exposure to unpredictable confounders. Since the authors examined a small number of stories, they still represent an insufficient representative sample to transfer the results to a broad practice. On the other hand, such studies allow collecting qualitative information about patient experience to make a simpler and cheaper quantitative study based on it in the future.

Participant sampling took place in two phases to provide different characteristics of patients by age, educational level, and family income. The first sample included six women aged 49 or younger with a college education and an income of $60,000 or more (Pozzar & Berry, 2019). The second sample included 12 patients, on average, older, and with different income and education levels (Pozzar & Berry, 2019). As a result, the study’s results included interviews with 18 participants with high-risk cancer.

Data were collected from individual interviews with open-ended questions in which patients were encouraged to speak freely. Topics discussed included care management, treatment planning, decision-making, communication with providers, practical aspects and effectiveness of treatment, side effects, use of alternative methods, and family issues (Pozzar & Berry, 2019). Each participant was interviewed verbally, recorded on audio, and then processed manually. Additionally, demographic information was collected, and the final notes were anonymized.

The authors concluded that the main concern for study participants was how to preserve themselves in the face of uncertainty, which created a risk to physical and mental health. Patients faced problems with “psychological well-being, self-concept, self-image, and social role” (Pozzar & Berry, 2019, p. 601). Women with ovarian cancer improved their well-being by participating in treatment and communicating with providers, supporting family and friends, and other social support groups (Pozzar & Berry, 2019). The article’s authors believe that high-risk cancer creates constant emotional tension, which can lead to burnout and a decrease in resistance to the disease.

Nursing Implications

This article can be used in nursing practice since nurses provide patient-centered care and have the closest interpersonal relationship with patients and their relatives. First, it is necessary to involve women in proactive participation in the process of treatment and communication with providers, as it improves their morale (Pozzar & Berry, 2019). Second, nurses can provide information about support groups and other social organizations to help reduce stress and adapt to new roles (Pozzar & Berry, 2019). Third, developing educational and communication activities will help patients understand what they are going through and prepare for possible symptoms and side effects of treatment (Pozzar & Berry, 2019). In general, nurses should create an environment for interprofessional cooperation and a network of mutual help and support for women with ovarian cancer.


The topic of preserving oneself in the process of treating high-risk diseases is crucial for the health of patients and treatment outcomes. Observational case reports, while limited, show concerns and issues that ovarian cancer patients go through. The study shows that women of different ages and social backgrounds experience similar mental challenges in the face of uncertainty and need nurses’ assistance to navigate. Nurses can significantly contribute to patients’ well-being and treatment by helping them build connections with providers, other professionals, support groups, and social workers. Moreover, they can involve patients in self-care routines and provide the necessary information to reduce patient anxiety.


Pozzar, R. A., & Berry, D. L. (2019). Preserving oneself in the face of uncertainty: A grounded theory study of women with ovarian cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 46(5), 595-603.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, August 24). Cancer Treatment Process Perceived by Women With Ovarian Cancer.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Cancer Treatment Process Perceived by Women With Ovarian Cancer." August 24, 2023.

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