Cannabis in America: Benefits and Implications

Supporters and Opposition

The use of cannabis and its byproducts in America is long, and arguments for and against its change over time. In the 1600s hemp was considered a useful and versatile material for ropes and fabrics. It became more popular as a medicinal additive in the 1800s, but the possibility of its recreational use colored it in a negative light and led to a subsequent ban. The major supporters of cannabis include the agriculture industry, medical professionals, and members of the general public who would either benefit from the medicinal use of the plant, or its recreational use. The opponents are the anti-narcotics organizations and people concerned with the possibility of it being a “gateway drug.”

Research Results

The increased use of cannabis in medicine inspired a lot of studies. One of the possible uses of medicinal cannabis is an add-on treatment for Multiple Sclerosis. Research shows that while additional studies need to be conducted, the existing information suggests that prescription of cannabis-based medicines has a positive effect on patients with chronic diseases. In addition, it is a much more cost-effective solution than current alternatives (Rosenberg, 2015).

Future Implications and Possible Policy

The current rate of cannabis prescription suggests that it would be used more in the future. One aspect of the policy that would require additional attention is the finances of the dealers. Currently, banks refuse to take money from distributors of cannabis products because they are prohibited by law. When this policy is changed, more organizations would be willing to create products with cannabis, including medicine.


Cannabis is a controversial substance due to its association with other narcotic substances. However, it holds a great variety of benefits for people. Its use in medicine, agriculture, and recreation may change the way people live their lives.


Rosenberg, K. (2015). Medical cannabis effective for chronic pain, other indications. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 115(10), 53. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Cannabis in America: Benefits and Implications." December 22, 2020.

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