“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina: Composition’s Theme, Style, and Key Features

“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina is a composition with an underlying message of unfulfilled love and conflict. The smooth melody and soothing vocals from Turina’s composition resonate with a sentimental style different from the Spanish style. The composition style is typical of the traditional Spanish style reminiscent of the traditional technique of Granados. The vocal style brings forth emotional reactions from the listener due to the style and quality, which is melodic and emotional. A cognizance that a keen listener of this song gets is that the composer’s posture seemed “tall” based on the octave count that resonates from the chest and is very identifiable through the composition.

A personal interpretation based on the song is that the song has a loving and emotional feeling due to the tone and slow, soft, emotional tempo. The composer Turina has an engaging style reminiscent of Josquin Desprez. A soothing composition with a flowing melody and a stable cord and tone. An ironic fact about Turina is that the inspiration came in Paris despite the Spanish background. Turina’s music makes the listener realize the diversity of music and the importance of music’s origins. A composition like “Saeta,” another great composition by Turina, which is sung during festivities, is reminiscent of Flamenco and Israeli music.

Another interesting aspect of Flamenco’s music is the tempo changes. The rhythm begins slowly before increasing emphatically. As a music consumer, an opinion shared by critics would be that Turina’s inspiration behind such music is a composition process. An excellent way to know the genius behind such great compositions is by reading “How a Work is created.” A great way to realize the impact of musical genius is by listening to compositions like Flamenco’s and getting a perspective of beautiful love compositions in the traditional Spanish style.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, May 1). “Cantares” by Joaquin Turina: Composition’s Theme, Style, and Key Features. https://studycorgi.com/cantares-by-joaquin-turina-compositions-theme-style-and-key-features/

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"“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina: Composition’s Theme, Style, and Key Features." StudyCorgi, 1 May 2023, studycorgi.com/cantares-by-joaquin-turina-compositions-theme-style-and-key-features/.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) '“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina: Composition’s Theme, Style, and Key Features'. 1 May.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina: Composition’s Theme, Style, and Key Features." May 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/cantares-by-joaquin-turina-compositions-theme-style-and-key-features/.


StudyCorgi. "“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina: Composition’s Theme, Style, and Key Features." May 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/cantares-by-joaquin-turina-compositions-theme-style-and-key-features/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina: Composition’s Theme, Style, and Key Features." May 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/cantares-by-joaquin-turina-compositions-theme-style-and-key-features/.

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