Care Provision for Vulnerable Populations

In working with vulnerable population, it becomes necessary to promote the health, happiness, and openness of the human experience for the client. The changes that want to be observed include an adjustment in dietary preferences, stress management and exercise. Throughout the endeavor, the first consideration is ensuring that the subject of the discussion has a way for regular food intake, exercise, and stress management. Regular repetition, high-quality professionals and a focus on providing care to the vulnerable population are all necessary in order to succeed. The crucial part of working with a client is giving them a unique voice. Each client, as a human and as a representative of their culture, has their own ideas of wellness and health. Instead of pushing one’s own idea on the client, or forcing treatment cases.

Applied techniques are focused on listening and recognizing the needs of patients, enhancing autonomy and one’s expression of the self. Concerning food programs, the professional should choose an approach that is mind full of a particular person’s needs and effective. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) was chosen, as it is a nutrition-focused approach perfect for low-income individuals and people with difficult living conditions (“Supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP),” n.d.). In terms of exercise, a focus on resilience, endurance and healthiness will be made, in order to combat disease or other personal issues. For stress management, the interaction will focus on addressing the effects of economic problems on the person’s day to day life, coupled with the effects of marginalization. Stress and negative experience of the individual, coupled with their identity-related problems, gradually collect stress, affecting mental health outcomes and personal wellness (Irving, 2020). As a member of the vulnerable population, the client needs help with managing their negative life experiences, building strength and autonomy to live a fulfilling life.


Irving, D. (2020). Stress accumulates in marginalized communities, generation after generation. RAND Corporation Provides Objective Research Services and Public Policy Analysis | RAND. Web.

Supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP). (n.d.). | USDA. Web.

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