Carolinas Healthcare Expanding Dickson Analytics for External Markets

Problem Identification

Carolinas Healthcare System has initiated the development of its analytics system by implementing Dickson Advanced Analytics. The system was successfully utilized in the internal environment, which led to the prospects of finding external business opportunities. However, as the demand for internal use for Dickson Advanced Analytics is high, Dulin has a restricted ability to expand the use of the system to generate profits for Carolinas Healthcare System (Quelch & Rodrigez, 2015).

Therefore, the main problem identified from the case study is further developing the system as a full-fledged business product that can be applicable outside Carolinas Healthcare System. Dulin is not willing to lose such a chance as it can bring immense profits to the system and serve as a boost of growth and development. Otherwise, other players in the industry can use their advantage and launch their own analytic tools.

Possible Solutions

Dulin needs to facilitate the application of the system to the external environment as well as the development of new features of the system. Potential solutions to the problem include better external market research, an expanded team of developers, collaboration with other systems, collaboration with other players in the industry, and focusing on the internal market for increased performance. Market research will allow management to estimate the potential profits or losses the external market can bring to Carolinas Healthcare System.

It is possible that internal applications can be more beneficial for the system. An extended team of developers is necessary in order to implement new solutions and features. Collaboration with other systems will allow testing of the potential application of Dickson Advanced Analytics to external markets. Collaboration with other players in the industry can help to develop the function of the system. Finally, focusing on internal use can help improve the features of the system, bringing the best experience to existing users.

Recommend Solutions

Collaboration with other systems is one of the most promising solutions that can help solve the problem and facilitate the application of the system in an external environment. Carolinas Healthcare System can offer a chance to other healthcare systems to implement the solution. It will help identify weak spots in the system and develop additional functions that can be implemented. Dulin needs to expand its team of developers and analytics system managers. It will help to facilitate the introduction of new features and test the solution.

At the moment, Carolinas Healthcare System has limited access to technological resources as they need to cover the internal needs of the system. Putting more effort into external market exploration through collaboration with other systems would be helpful in terms of business product growth. Dulin needs to gather more information on the needs of potential users, which can be achieved by implementing the system outside of Carolinas Healthcare System.

Expected Outcomes

Implementing recommended solutions can help Carolinas Healthcare System expand the use of Dickson Advanced Analytics to external markets. Collaboration with other healthcare systems will bring important insights into the functions that should be developed and introduced. An expanded team of developers will be able to meet the technological needs of potential customers. Better user experience and a wider range of applications can become the system’s main advantages compared to competitors. Dulin can focus on the promotion of the system as a full-fledged business analytics solution, which can bring desired profits.


Quelch, J. A., & Rodrigez, M. L. (2015). Carolinas HealthCare System: Consumer analytics. Harvard Business School Case 515-060.

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