Case Efficiency and Adaptation, Tower Records

Symbiotic Partnership between Monkeys and Wolves

Type of Relationship

It is clear that Gelada monkeys and Ethiopian wolves have a strong bond involving the fight for survival. Since the monkeys are not bothered with the wolves entering their territory in most cases, it can be noticed that there is an atmosphere of trust and tranquillity (Luntz, 2015). The composure facilitates the establishment of a close connection between two different species. Therefore, correlation of the animals mostly stands on the ground of reciprocal confidence, having a reliable and cooperative relationship.

Short-term and Long-term Benefits

The developed connection allows both parties to take advantage of it. In the short-run, Gelada monkeys benefit by enjoying a higher share of food available as wolves hunt their main rivals. The latter also gain from the situation because of the increased chances of catching prey in the monkeys presence. In the long perspective, monkeys can maintain or boost their population level, while the wolves, being on the verge of extinction, might restore their populace to the point of normal. Hence, either species appear to draw on the engagement in the near and distant future.


Despite the merits, there are some potential threats that may impose considerable costs. There is still the possibility of monkeys to become anxious and protective of their sprigs when the wolves arrive. The concern is not groundless since a wolf is a fierce predator, and the lack of rodents might be hazardous for the Gelada herd. As for the hunters themselves, the likelihood of monkeys escaping to caves can lead to struggles with chasing and hunting. Thereupon, monkeys put under danger their offspring, while the wolves risk losing the source of living.

Scarce Resources

In the face of scarcity of food as a way of survival, the circumstances may change significantly. As mentioned above, wolves are vicious slayers, and hard times might alter the nature of the relationship with their allies. According to Luntz (2015), newborn monkeys fit for supper in contrast to fully-grown ones. The reason for this could be animal instinct driving fauna to participate in the battle for existence. Thus, the shortage of resources can transform the relationship, considering the life-saving impulse.

Long-run Costs

The long-run costs are the costs associated with the prolonged implications in the manufacturing process, covering a wide range of output. Taking Tower Records as an example, the company’s costs are incurred on the fixed factors akin to machinery, fixtures and fittings, building, and long-term debts. Thereby, the corporation charges its long-run costs on items intended for durable and lengthy use for healthy business operations.


As a result of the increased level of competition, Tower Records was forced to shut down in the early 2000s. This period is marked with the formation of innovative giants, iTunes and Spotify, providing online access to music instead of physical recordings such as vinyl, cassettes, and CDs. As such, the company’s rivals included newly opened businesses supplying a similar product, but in a different package.

Factors of Shutting Down

There are three main factors that contributed to insolvency and further closure. Firstly, growing debts together with active expansion led to financial straits. Secondly, cut-throat competition with the rise of inventive opponents cost Tower Records its valuable customers. The Internet enabled millions of copies to be spread across the web free of charge, losing another share of consumers. Therefore, economic hardship, intense opposition, and Internet piracy brought the company to an end.

Partnership with Other Companies

Drawing a parallel with the animal world, it can be noted that Tower Records could have overcome obstacles or at least reduced the consequences by cooperating with other businesses. For instance, Internet moderators have the power to prevent the flood of illegal copies, thus, increasing demand for the company’s goods. Furthermore, debts can be controllable with the aid of professional consulting firms. Hence, a partnership with other companies might have led to success.


Luntz, S. (2015). Symbiotic partnership between monkeys and wolves discovered. IFLScience.

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