Cataract: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan



The subjective assessment of the patient does not provide much food for thought since the customer denies being under the impact of any harmful factors outside of occasional smoking.


The assessment of the factors that may have affected the patient’s health and triggered the development of the disease must be viewed as the current priority. An objective evaluation of the patient has shown that family history is the next step toward identifying the root cause of the problem.

Afterward, the tools for addressing the issue have to be located. It is imperative to design both the medical treatment schedule and the one for regular therapy sessions. Thus, both the patient’s awareness of the issue and the chances for a successful recovery will be increased significantly.

Nursing Diagnosis


The current problem can be defined as the risk of suffering an injury due to vision problems (particularly, blurriness in vision), which a cataract can be defined by.


According to the latest researches on the subject matter, the origins of cataracts are barely identifiable (Millodot, 2015; Shatzkes, 2014). Since the patient does not have any bad habits and has not experienced any traumatizing events, it can be assumed that the risk of developing a cataract runs in the family. Given the family history (i.e., hypertension that their mother suffers from), the cataract may be genetically induced.


Vision blurriness is the primary symptom that needs to be taken into consideration. According to the existing studies, a cataract typically manifests itself in a blurry vision (Thompson, 2014). Since the patient does not experience any other issues apart from the one mentioned above, cataract is the primary disorder to be suspected in the case in point.


At present, it is imperative to reduce the pain that the patient is experiencing and encourage the patient to adopt the behavioral patterns that will contribute to a faster recovery.


    1. The provision of medications that will help relieve the patient of the pain should be viewed as the primary objective.

Reasons: when suffering from the pain induced by the disease, the patient is unlikely to focus on the process of fighting the disease.

    1. Setting the environment is crucial for the patient’s adjustment after the surgery is performed.

Reasons: since the patient is likely to have trouble seeing immediately after the surgery, it will be necessary to make sure that she does not hurt herself when walking or moving.

    1. Orienting the patient should be viewed as an essential part of the intervention.

The above step should be carried out for the same reasons as noted in Step 3 – the patient may hurt herself badly without the assistance of a nurse.


The process of evaluation should be carried out by comparing the current state of the patient’s vision to the one that they will display after the therapy is over. It is expected that the surgery will have a positive effect on the patient’s vision, restoring it to the 20/30 index that their right eye has at present.

Teaching Plan

The teaching plan will involve increasing the patient’s awareness of the subject matter and instructing them concerning the exercises that they will have to do in order to reset the vision rate to the previous ratio. Simultaneously, the patient will be introduced to the variety of exercises that they will have to carry out on a daily basis to maintain their vision at the required rate.

Reference List

Millodot, M. (2015). Dictionary of optometry and visual science. New York, NY: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Shatzkes, D. R. (2014). Craniofacial trauma, an issue of neuroimaging clinics. New York, NY: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Thompson, J. (2014). Easy on the eyes:.A fresh look at vision. Victoria: FriesenPress.

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