Catching up on Changes in Forensic Computing Law

If I were stranded on a desert island for six months I would not expect a great deal of change in the law, because it works so slowly. There are really only two things, which change the law: new legislation and precedence set by cases heard in court. The first place I would check would be my email since I subscribe to several good industry newsletters and RSS feeds. (Forensic Focus 2008) and ( 2008). The next step would be to check the websites of companies that supply computer forensics software and services, such as Computer Forensics Co. UK, (2008), CY4OR (2008), and Forensic Computing Ltd. (2008). I would then meet with people at my workplace, since they would have kept up with changes, and would surely share with me, even if I would not be able to return to work there.

Next, I would check reports, such as the Times Law Reports online (2008), The Justis database of law reports (2008), the resources listed at Free Case Law Resources online (2008), and the resources listed at the ICLR site (2008). I would then check online databases, such as Hein Online and Routledge and Sage, available to me as an alumnus through my alma mater’s library. I would read summaries at the library of the reports from both houses, scanning for anything new in my field. Finally, I would make an appointment with one or more of my former professors and pay for their time to bring me up to speed on what transpired during my absence.

I believe with this plan I would be possibly more up to date than many people who never left the country. I should not have any problem knowing the exact state of affairs concerning forensic computing laws in the UK. If necessary I would check more international sources after conferencing with my professors, should I need to know about anything in that area.


Computer Forensics Co. UK, 2008. Web.

CY4OR, 2008. Web.

Darknet. 2008. Web.

Forensic Computing Ltd., 2008. Web.

Forensic Focus, 2008. Web.

Free Case Law Services on line, 2008. Web.

ICLR, 2008. Web.

Justis. Web.

Times Law Reports, 2008. Web.

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