Inequality in income distribution is one of contemporary society’s critical issues. I was startled and alarmed when I realized that the United States had the most significant income disparity among Western developed countries. However, after more investigation, it became evident to me that several reasons explain this phenomenon.
The Sources of Inequality in the United States
To begin, one of the sources of inequality in the United States is the salary disparity. The country has many low-wage positions while the wages of the highly skilled are growing. As a result, low-income individuals receive relatively minor, while the wealthy become even wealthier. Second, tax policy exacerbates inequality. The United States has a progressive taxation system, which implies that the wealthy pay more taxes than the poor (Avanceña et al., 2021). However, due to different exclusions and evasions, many wealthy individuals and corporations avoid paying taxes, widening the gap between the rich and the poor.
The lack of a social safety net is the third source of inequality in the United States. The United States, unlike many other industrialized countries, does not have universal health care and education. As a result, many people must pay for these services on their own, which can be costly (Avanceña et al., 2021). This generates disparities in access to decent healthcare and education, affecting people’s possibilities in society.
Finally, a critical cause of inequality in the United States is the inheritance of wealth. Wealthy families can pass on their wealth to the next generation, creating a “rich get richer” effect. Low-income families do not have these opportunities, reinforcing the gap between the rich and the poor.
The causes of income inequality in the U.S. are varied and complex. The wage gap, tax policies, lack of social protection, and the inheritance of wealth all contribute to inequality. To tackle this problem, wage changes, tax policy, and a universal social safety net are needed. Only then can a more just and equitable society be achieved.
Avanceña, A. L. V., DeLuca, E. K., Iott, B., Mauri, A., Miller, N., Eisenberg, D., & Hutton, D. W. (2021). Income and Income Inequality are a matter of life and death. What can policymakers do about it? American Journal of Public Health, 111(8), 1404–1408. Web.