Challenge for a Mitigation Specialist

A mitigation specialist plays a critical role for the legal team. Throughout the trial, he or she will provide defense attorneys with professional analysis related to the case, information about the investigation that affects this case, key evidence, and experts to testify about the mitigating circumstances presented in the case. By providing both supporting evidence and a detailed, documented history of the defendant, he or she is responsible for preparing and presenting this information during the trial and at the sentencing stage.

By working with the defense team to develop a comprehensive defense during the trial process, the mitigation specialist will try to disclose as much background information about the defendant’s past as possible. Objectively, he or she seeks to use the disclosed information to inform the jury and make recommendations to the court during the sentencing phase (The Tony Moss Firm, n.d.). Interviewing and investigative skills are critical to the job. The mitigation specialist will spend most of the time tracking down family members, professionals, and anyone else associated with the defendant, as well as conducting extensive interviews with individuals to create a profile of the defendant.

While the experience of mitigation professionals varies, most have degrees in criminal justice, psychology, social work, sociology, journalism, or anthropology. Sharp investigative, research and analytical skills are essential for the position. In the course of performing the duties required for the job, the mitigation specialist will track and record details about the defendant’s physical condition, mental health, social environment, family upbringing, education, economic conditions, job origins, and any addiction issues. Based on this information, the mitigation specialist will make recommendations for the jury or judge during trial and sentencing. Thus, it might be claimed that the most challenging part of the mitigation specialist’s work is the appropriate utilization of his or her background to evaluate and interpret the information about clients, as well as deliver it properly to a jury.


The Tony Moss Firm. (n.d.). What does a mitigation specialist do? 

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