There are a few major sticking points in the continuing discussion over healthcare in the United States. Insurance companies have had a hard time keeping healthcare prices in check, resulting in sky-high bills for patients and the healthcare system as a whole. Many Americans are unable to complete their prescriptions due to financial constraints, which exacerbates existing health inequalities and may create long-term health problems. Additionally, the United States falls behind in healthcare results and accessibility while spending more than any other nation on healthcare.
Lessons Learnt from the Video
A single-payer healthcare system is the “fix” for these problems, as shown in the video. With this concept, private insurance firms would no longer have a role in providing basic healthcare coverage for people since the government would be responsible for paying and managing healthcare for everyone (Fix It Healthcare, 2016, 00:12:25–00:14:05). Proponents of a single-payer system point to the possibility of it alleviating the cost issue by, among other things, consolidating administrative costs, negotiating lower drug prices, and guaranteeing that all patients have access to appropriate treatment.
Public health may also improve if fewer prescriptions go unfilled. On the other hand, there are several problems with this plan. Some worry that government bureaucracy would improperly handle healthcare services and point out that it might cause more excellent wait times for non-urgent operations. A healthcare system overhaul of this magnitude would need extensive preparation, regulatory changes, and public backing.
Thus, as concluded in the video, a single-payer system can manage costs and increase access to key pharmaceuticals, which may be “the fix” for the grave problems affecting the US healthcare system. However, such a shift would need in-depth discussion, legislative action, and a thorough analysis of the costs and benefits. There is an apparent necessity to take into account a variety of factors in this vein.
Fix It Healthcare. (2016). Fix it: Healthcare at the tipping point [Video]. Vimeo. Web.