Challenges in U.S. Healthcare: Costs, Access, and Quality Issues


The U.S. healthcare system is a complicated and continuously fluctuating structure that has a massive impact on numerous individuals daily. Despite some benefits, various issues must be dealt with. The U.S. healthcare system struggles with four main topics: rising expenses because of technology, fragmentation of services, restricted access to care, and poor quality of care.

Issues in Healthcare

To begin with, technology in the healthcare system is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can provide better and more efficient patient care. On the other hand, it can be expensive and drive up healthcare costs. The cost of healthcare technology has been on the rise for years, with no signs of slowing down, resulting in higher costs for doctors, hospitals, and patients. Furthermore, the U.S. healthcare system is highly fragmented, meaning patients often need to visit multiple providers to get the care they need, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

Additionally, it increases the chances of patients receiving duplicate or conflicting care. The U.S. healthcare system also needs more access to care. Many people do not have access to the care they need due to financial or geographic barriers, especially those in rural or low-income areas. Furthermore, those with access to care may find that their insurance needs need to cover their needs. Finally, the quality of care in the U.S. healthcare system can be uneven. While some areas may have excellent care, others may suffer from poor quality care due to a lack of resources or qualified providers. Additionally, many people may need access to the most up-to-date treatments and technologies.

The Primary Problem

The primary problem with the U.S. healthcare system is limited access to care because it affects most people and directly impacts their health and well-being. The lack of access to care can lead to poorer health outcomes and increased costs for both patients and the healthcare system. To address the problems with the U.S. healthcare system, the government should invest in healthcare technology, especially in rural and low-income areas, so that all people have access to the same level of care. Additionally, the government should strive to reduce the fragmentation of services by investing in integrated systems (Hurrelmann & Richter, 2019).

This approach would allow patients to receive all the care they need in one place, which can reduce costs and streamline services. Furthermore, the government should expand insurance coverage and provide financial assistance to those who need it so that everyone has access to the necessary care (Zhu & Wang, 2022). Finally, the government should invest in training and resources for providers to ensure that everyone receives the highest quality of care.


In conclusion, the U.S. healthcare system has several problems that must be resolved. The four major issues are the increased costs of technology, disconnection of different services, limited availability of care, and inferior quality of care. In this context, the most critical issue is the deficit of care access since it directly affects patients and their well-being. Numerous measures can be taken to solve these issues, including investing in healthcare technology, decreasing fragmentation of services, widening insurance coverage, and enhancing the level of care.


Hurrelmann, K., & Richter, M. (2019). Understanding Public Health: Productive Processing of Internal and External Reality. Routledge.

Zhu, Z., & Wang, C. (2022). Translation and Expression of Professional Terms of Public Emergencies in External Reports. Journal of Environmental and Public Health.

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