Changing of Art When Life Is Getting Faster

In the developing world, everything is changing rapidly: new technologies are coming, people’s views on many things are changing, and art is also changing to some extent. Perhaps this is due to the change in time, people’s tastes, their interests, and their development. Artists, musicians, and other creators adapt their works of art to the current flow of time, which can be clearly seen in them.

A few decades ago, impressionist artists painted ladies and men dressed in the latest fashion, relaxing in parks and squares. Now, with the advent of the era of industrialization, in the paintings you can see industrial factories and people who wear new styles of clothing (“The Case of Impressionism”). Cities began to grow, transform, new architectural structures appeared, which are reflected in modern paintings of artists. Now, in addition to paintings, a new art direction, such as photography, began to appear. Undoubtedly, many artists also developed as time develops, but the clarity of their lines is brutal compared to the clarity of the lines in the photo.

Looking at the paintings of Edouard Manet, it can be understood why they ceased to be perceived by the public in a certain period of time. The nude men and women depicted in his paintings began to cause rejection in the more modern public, as it became unacceptable. Now, a naked woman who was once considered the standard of beauty has become perceived as a public woman (“Better Know Manet’s A Bar at the Folies-Bergère”). The pictures began to be dominated by emotions and situations in which people would experience them. Degas preferred realism to impressionism and was one of the “revolutionaries” in the visual arts (“Impressionism – Overview from Phil Hansen”). Over time, the paintings became more realistic, the color selection became more natural.

In conclusion, life moves quickly, fashion and preferences change. In this regard, art is also changing, namely, to satisfy the taste of modern people, and to correspond to the time. If art were exclusively the same as before, people would have fewer chances to develop and improve. It is exciting that people have an opportunity to see the art of the past and match it with more modern forms because it allows comparing times and epochs.

Works Cited

“Better Know Manet’s A Bar at the Folies-Bergère.” YouTube, uploaded by The Art Assignment, 2018.

“Impressionism – Overview from Phil Hansen.” YouTube, uploaded by Philinthecircle, 2014.

“The Case of Impressionism.” YouTube, uploaded by The Art Assignment, 2019.

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