Charity Lomax’s Contributions and Achievements


As a student of Full Sail University, I was selected to introduce one of this year’s Hall of Fame inductees, mainly because I have been interested in her career path for a while. I cannot tell you how much this means to me and how honored I am to speak about this extraordinary, strong, and purposeful person. It is my great pleasure to introduce to you a true music professional, an experienced tour manager, and a production coordinator, Charity Lomax.

Charity Lomax: Hall of Fame inductee

Charity has worked with many world-famous performers, including the Eagles, Christina Aguilera, Van Halen, Sublime, Queen Latifah, and other bands and singers. She undoubtedly deserves her place in the Hall of Fame, as she has studied and worked hard to make her dreams come true, and she enjoyed every moment of that work. She set clear goals and always strived to achieve them. Charity is now inducted into our Hall of Fame because, like all other inductees that have joined and are joining this year, she will inspire and motivate current and future students and inductees.

Contributions, Achievements, and Takeaways

Charity’s contributions and achievements are truly undeniable, as she stands behind some of the best shows music fans have attended. She herself calls it the best part of the show: “When the lights go out and everybody goes wild”, she realizes that it was worth all the work (Full Sail University, 2015, 2:55). That is why Charity and her achievements set a great example for the modern generation of students who dream of working in the music industry. The main takeaway we can all get from this short introduction about Charity’s success is that dreams really do come true once you put your heart and soul into it and never give up.


Full Sail University. (2015). Charity Lomax – Mariah Carey, The Eagles, Aerosmith. YouTube.

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