“Charter School: A Primer to the Issues” by S. Vergari


The article by Sandra Vergari Charter School: A primer to the Issues promotes an innovative idea about a new type of school with more privileges for the students. The article finds out the solution in a wide discussion of the problem related to the charter school, as one more division of the educational system. Here the author tends to point out main concerns about the issue. Most of the representatives of society and education, in particular, are intended to assume that the appearance of such schools can diminish the role of ordinary public schools. One more touch considers the fact that for such innovation the local governments should also reconsider the law grounds. Such a process can be realized during some period, which could be useful for making contributions to current schools and other educational establishments per se. Another concern points out that with the appearance of charter schools political activism arose as well as the federal interests in the suchlike reformation of the educational background of the USA. First adopted in Minnesota in 1991charter schools are of great interest for the national educational programs. Its many-faceted character as for the national interests and supposed benefits are also taken into account in the upper echelons of power (389). Thus, the author inspects the credibility of such types of schools from different sides touching upon various structural parts of the state organization in the USA.

Article’s description

The article is rich in information about the process of reformation of education due to the emergence of charter schools. Vergari is apt in facts and their implementation to the idea of the article. However, there is no objective reasoning whether charter schools influenced positively or negatively since the first case in Minnesota. Furthermore, the author is rather intended to provide an observer with a particularly obvious evaluation of the situation concerned with charter schools. There are no practical or at least theoretical suggestions about solutions. Solutions regarding the idea of lessening the conflict over the adoption of such educational establishments throughout the country are lacking. Thus, the whole criticism maintained in the article is outlined with the more descriptive character of what was done previously and what is being done at the moment. Such evaluation provides fewer points for further research on the theme of charter schools. Notwithstanding, the structure of the article is performed with direct points concerned with the topic for the discussion.


To my mind, the adoption of charter schools is not so harmful to society. The idea of its division is taken for granted, so there is no objection to think that charter, more privileged schools will not be adopted nationwide. The point on division presupposes that America in its internal relationships has apparent problems in social affairs concerned with rich and poor, White and Black, men or women. Such bilateral character of the nation only favors the adoption of charter schools. On the other hand, a charter school can make an impact on more aggravation of the internal controversies between individuals as for the possible share of interests promoted by influential figures within society. In turn, it may state that education will be also divided into its standards and principles. Multicultural outlook loses its significance. Thereupon, the financial approach plays a greater role. To sum up all pros and cons, the diverse American society should have the possibility to have schools of more or less priority due to the market-like provision of relationships between individuals in the country.

Works cited

Vergari, Sandra. ‘Charter Schools: A Primer on the Issues’. Education and Urban Society 31.4 (1999): 389-405.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 2). “Charter School: A Primer to the Issues” by S. Vergari. https://studycorgi.com/charter-school-a-primer-to-the-issues-by-s-vergari/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) '“Charter School: A Primer to the Issues” by S. Vergari'. 2 November.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Charter School: A Primer to the Issues” by S. Vergari." November 2, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/charter-school-a-primer-to-the-issues-by-s-vergari/.


StudyCorgi. "“Charter School: A Primer to the Issues” by S. Vergari." November 2, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/charter-school-a-primer-to-the-issues-by-s-vergari/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "“Charter School: A Primer to the Issues” by S. Vergari." November 2, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/charter-school-a-primer-to-the-issues-by-s-vergari/.

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