Analyzing the Chess Girls DC Organization: Structure and Impact


Chess Girls DC can be attributed to non-profit organizations that promote youth involvement in cultural development. The organization was established by Robin Floyd-Ramson in 2013 to engage girls in playing chess. The key mission of this organization that contains less than 200 members is to develop a sense of self-confidence through spatial thinking skills and overcoming challenges. The leadership of Chess Girls DC is composed of the two co-founders – Robin Floyd-Ramson and Dr. Quito Swan, the representative of African Diaspora. “According to a 2012 study from the Department of Education, in 2009-10 females made up less than 25 percent of participants in science, technology, engineering, and math programs” (Utsey, n.d., para. 8). Taking the above statement into account, the organization’s impact lies in the fact of girls’ development, focusing on spatial thinking in the chess world that would subsequently help them in entering colleges and universities.

SWOT Analysis

Using Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis, it is necessary to note that this type of analysis is important while identifying a PR company. Let us consider each of the mentioned elements in detail.


The first strong point that makes this organization unique is the fact that girls without any background in chess, as well as those that have some skills, may become its members. This is ensured by a variety of programs that imply different levels of preparation, including beginner, intermediate, and advanced. In other words, the organization offers a full specter of classes, beginning from how pieces move and ending with an analysis of gross masters and visualization strategies (“Chess Girls DC”, 2017). The second strength is associated with participation in national tournaments that give a sense of meaningfulness. Meanwhile, the organization stays active on social media, in particular, it is presented on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook (“DC Chess Girls”, 2017). For example, Chess Girls DC Twitter is full of recent events and important issues. The blogosphere also seems to be quite interested in this organization. In one of the interviews provided by A Woman’s Bridge, it is mentioned that some guest speakers socialize with girls as well (“Chess Girls DC”, 2016). The Black Benefactors and Blogspot also provide feedback for this organization (Utsey, n.d.).


Chess Girls DC completely relies on the generosity of its members. This means that there is no continuous funding, and coaches work voluntarily. Besides, budgeting is crucial to purchasing necessary equipment, participating in national tournaments, and so on. The journalists writing of this organization point out that parents feel the significant impact of Chess Girls DC as their children become a part of something great and optimistic (Utsey, n.d.). However, they also outline the lack of coaches and funding.


Among the potential opportunities, there is international expansion and participation in tournaments all over the globe. This can bring such benefits as international recognition, improvement of girls’ skills, and promotion of women in science. The search for a grant, charity, or fund may considerably enhance the current situation of Chess Girls DC. Thus, economic factors may affect it. Moreover, the political factor should also be taken into account. The attention to the problems of the community and, in particular, girls’ education can be paid by large corporations or government. The latter may support it in terms of corporate social responsibility. It should be noted that some other non-profit organizations located in the same community such as Girls Rock! DC or ASPIRA Association significantly improved their positions after receiving appropriate funding (“Directory of DC Area Non-profit Organizations“, 2017).


Speaking of threats, it seems critical to outline that the modern economic and political factors are quite volatile. Therefore, the required funding and support may not be received on time, thus leading to the deterioration of the current situation. When funding is tight, it becomes more difficult to continue leadership in an effective way. The mentioned threat is closely associated with the other one. Since this non-profit organization relies on external funding, it is of great importance to prevent any impropriety to keep the reputation good. In other words, any scandal or provocation may be adverse. Comparing with Chess Girls DC with Girls Rock! DC, it is possible to reveal the fact that the latter also tries to establish confidence in girls, using the musical background. It embraces girls from 8 to 18 and operates in a camp form. Many feedbacks from parents and media show that this organization is effective due to great empowerment to girls (“Girls Rock! DC”, 2017). Thus, the threat of fierce competition also exists.


In conclusion, it should be emphasized that Chess Girls DC promotes the confidence of young ladies, focusing on chess playing and its cognitive advantages. In the course of SWOT analysis, it was revealed that the main problems of the organization are competition, the lack of funding, and dependence on economic and political factors. At the same time, the opportunities include international tournaments, the development of spatial thinking in girls, and the increased participation of women in science in the future.


Chess Girls DC. (2016). Web.

Chess Girls DC. (2017). Web.

DC Chess Girls. (2017).

Directory of DC Area Non-profit Organizations. (2017).

Girls Rock! DC. (2017).

Utsey, M. Z. (n.d.). Chess Girls DC. Web.

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