Sexual abuse among children is a growing social justice and public health concern given its impact on the victim’s psychological and emotional development. This form of abuse which occurs every day in all countries including the US deprives children of their childhood. Currently, sex trafficking and pornography among children is the fastest growing form of sexual abuse in the US given the growing demand for pornography viewing in the country. The association of negative effects of child sexual abuse on criminal trajectories has resulted in establishment of resources and programs to help victims in order to curb future criminality.
The Current Rates of Child Sex Trafficking and Pornography
Child victims in sex trafficking and pornography have been growing tremendously over the past decade. The global reach and anonymity of the internet have significantly facilitated the distribution of child sexual abuse materials and their accessibility (Interpol 2017). According to the UN (2020) report, the total number of online sites circulating child sexual abuse materials in 2017 were about 78589 In 2018, the number of these sites had increased by 32% with Interpol reporting more than 1.5 million videos and images of child sexual abuse in 2019 (UN, 2020; Interpol 2017). The average age of children exposed to pornography is 11 with kids as young as 7 being active consumers of pornographic materials (Exodus Cry, 2021). Difficulties estimating the prevalence of sex trafficking and pornography among children are due to stigma, the hidden nature of the crime, and reluctance to disclose victimization among others (Franchino-Olsen et al., 2022; Latzman et al., 2017). Child sexual abuse affects the lives of many children, families, and communities translating to social justice problems in the future.
Effect of Child Sex Trafficking and Pornography on Future Criminality: Developmental Theory
Developmental theories evaluate systematic ways of thinking among human beings as they transition from childhood to adolescence, to adulthood, and later to elderly people. In addition, the theories focus on different types of changes individuals undergo as they grow. Developmental theories by Piaget, Freud, and Erikson focus on understating life factors and their impact on individuals’ morals and behaviors as they transit from one stage of their life to another (Turiel, 2018). According to these theorists, any wrong choices and bad experiences among children in their developmental stages can cause them to be deviant.
The moral development of a child is a highly debated concept over the years with most developmental theorists devoting their work to understanding the subject. According to Piaget’s moral development theory, a child’s moral judgment is as a result of cognitive development. (Férriz Romeral et al., 2018). Therefore, children facing sexual abuse experience deficiencies in cognitive ability and moral judgment. Therefore, the theory of moral development supports relationships between cognitive, moral development and criminal behaviors.
Freud’s Psychodynamic theory of development has been critical in guiding clinicians, parents, and policymakers over the years. According to the theory, an individual’s personality forms in their first few years of life and children’s interactions with their caregivers and parents have a long-lasting impact on their lives (Yakeley, 2018). Freud believed that early childhood experiences play a key role in shaping one’s behavior and personality. A child exposed to hurtful experiences such as sexual abuse during their early years, end up with built-up defenses to ease their emotional pain (Yakeley, 2018). Such children become more vulnerable even as they transition to their later stages in life. Child sexual traffickers and other abusers act out of frustrations drawn to past events in their early childhood. The criminal offenders had miserable childhood that resulted in a weak or absent ego.
The Psychosocial development theory by Erikson is one of the most influential lifespan developmental theories. According to the theory, identity development is a series of social challenges which promote competency development among human beings (Jordan, 2019). Erikson’s theory of development outlines eight distinct stages of successful human development. Failure in any of these stages leads to unhealthy personality development and interrupts an individual’s successful social interaction. Sexually abused children experience unsuccessful development of trust causing them to feel anxious and insecure (Jordan, 2019). These children suffer from shame and doubt and they feel inadequate and have low self-esteem. As a result, they lack initiative and are highly influenced by others, feel inferior, and doubt their abilities. As they transition from childhood to adolescence, they find themselves in a state of confusion, consequently becoming isolated and lonely adults. Victims of child sex trafficking and pornography feel unproductive, develop despair and hopelessness and end up becoming perpetrators.
Programs and Resources Currently Available for the Victims and how they Attempt to Deter Individuals from Future Criminality
The Department of Justice’s National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction plays a critical role in addressing issues facing child sexual abuse victims in the US. The National Strategy deters future criminality by closely working with federal law enforcement agencies and prosecutors to ensure perpetrators face the law (The United States Department of Justice, 2020). The strategy works with different agencies and partners that support victims through the provision of grants and providing education to the public on the dangers of child exploitation. The National strategy’s main roles include victim services, outreach and education, investigations, and prosecutions, and policy initiatives.
The US government in collaboration with human services agencies has continued to establish policies that identify and serve sexual abuse victims. The Bureau of Justice Statistics with the US Department of Justice (DOJ) maintains Human Trafficking Reporting System to support legislation, protect victims, prosecute traffickers, and curb demand for trafficking (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2017). Evident programs from the White House and other Federal offices to enhance Federal response against child sex trafficking include the Casey Family Programs (CWIG, 2017). In 2014, the Programs assessed training levels on child sex trafficking in 29 states and 13 counties across the US and found that two-thirds of the respondents had received the training.
Websites such as National Child Traumatic Stress Network among others are working in collaboration with the government and other partners who care about children to raise the standard of care among victims. These websites provide education to the public; improve access to services to the affected children, their families, and communities (NCTSN, n.d). These resources and programs by the government and well-wishers improve the lives of traumatized children and work towards curbing future occurrences of such crimes.
Internet growth has led to the growing demand for pornographic material viewing resulting in exponential growth of child sex trafficking. Recent statistics show that there has been a growing prevalence of sexually trafficked children and pornography. Developmental theories such as Piaget’s moral development theory, Freud’s Psychodynamic theory, and Erickson’s Psychosocial Development theory support that victims of child sex trafficking and pornography could potentially become criminals in later stages of their life. Efforts by the US government and other non-governmental agencies through programs and other resources have continued to provide support to the victims and communities and promote policies that deal with criminals to lower future criminality.
Child Welfare Information Gatewa. (2017). Human trafficking and child welfare: A guide for child welfare agencies. Web.
Exodus Cry. (2022). Exodus Cry urges congress to protect children from online porn and sexual exploitation through policy. Web.
Férriz Romeral, L., Sobral Fernández, J., & Gómez Fraguela, J. A. (2018). Moral reasoning in adolescent offenders: Aa meta-analytic review. Psicothema, 30(3), 289-294.
Franchino-Olsen, H., Chesworth, B. R., Boyle, C., Rizo, C. F., Martin, S. L., Jordan, B & Stevens, L. (2022). The prevalence of sex trafficking of children and adolescents in the United States: A scoping review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 23(1), 182-195.
Interpol. (2017). Interpol network identifies 10,000 child sexual abuse victims. Web.
Jordan S. (2019). Theories of human development throughout the lifespan. Web.
Latzman, N. E., Casanueva, C., & Dolan, M. (2017). Understanding the scope of child sexual abuse. Web.
National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). (n.d). Web.
The United States Department of Justice. (2020). National strategy for child exploitation prevention and interdiction. Web.
Turiel, E. (2018). Moral development in the early years: when and how. Human development, 61(4-5), 297-308. Web.
United Nations (UN) (2020). No country is free from child sexual abuse, exploitation, UN’s top rights forum hears. Web.
Yakeley, J. (2018). Psychodynamic approaches to violence. BJPsych Advances, 24(2), 83-92. Web.