Parents’ Responsibilities: Child Support Obligations

The system of family law has undergone rapid changes for the previous century. Such factors as non-traditional reproduction methods and sex relationships influenced the establishment of child legal support obligations. Child support is considered to provide certain financial support for children provided by their biological parents. The cause of the child support arrangement can be explained by marital separation, divorce, annulment, or dissolution. There are definitely established rules as to the parents’ responsibilities in case of necessities to provide child support.

According to the family law both biological parents are to provide child support in case they are not living with their children. In case of parents’ separation, one parent is to be the caregiver of the child. So, the other divorced parent bears responsibility to pay cost proportion for the child’s raising. There is no certain need for the child’s parents to be married but the process of chills support is legally fixed and should be provided. Child support may be established through the estoppel principle for the formation of the parental relationships with the children.

The non-custodial parent is obliged to provide child legal support in case he refuses to keep relationships with the child. Child support obligations vary from country to country, but it should be stated that on the international level there are some strict legal rules acting for every state. Thus, child support should be based on biological and legal relationships with the child (Oliphant, 2007).

Biological parents are to be obliged to provide child support for their children in case of separation. One of the parents gets financial support from the other parent for the children’s upbringing. He or she is to pay for the child care until the age established by the law.

In case one of the parents is not biological but adoptive he or she should provide child legal support in case of marriage divorce. Adoption of the child considers complete legal responsibility of the parents for their children according to the family law.

There are some cases when one of the parents is not biological but just kept the sexual relationship with the other parent; according to the law system, the divorce of such a couple does not mean that non-biological parent should provide child support. It can be explained by the fact that this parent is neither legal nor biological. The court cannot sentence him to the financial assistance from his former family. Long-term emotional relationships with the parent of the child do not mean obligations for the child support in case of separation either (Feld, 2003).

So, the analysis of the child legal support focused on the system of the family law is considered to be strictly fixed on the international level. The obligations for child support are based on different factors such as legal relationships, children adoption, and biological links. Even though the system of law differs from country to country, parents are to bear responsibilities for their children. The modern way of life changed the situation but parents should be aware that they are to follow the issues established in the family law and provide necessary living conditions for their children.


  1. Oliphant, R, & Ver Steegh, N (2007). Family Law, 2d Edition. New York: Aspen.
  2. Feld, B (2003) Juvenile Justice Administration in a Nutshell. St. Paul: Thomson West.

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