Children’s Early Literacy Achievement and Parents’ Role

Purpose and/or Hypothesis

The purpose of this research is aimed at exploring the relationship between parents’ interaction with their children while sharing storybook reading and achieving children’s literacy. The main hypothesis is confined to the idea that interaction between parents and children should be studied to define and challenge theories contributing to working out effective methods and models for improving children’s skills and abilities on storybook reading. The study can also extend an understanding of how culturally diverse environments can influence children’s literacy achievement.


The sample population involved 35 parents and 35 preschool-age children living in Western Canada. Among 35 children, there were 22 girls and 13 boys that were accompanied by 7 fathers and 28 months. As per cultural characteristics, the participants were composed of East Asian Canadians, South Asian Canadians, Native Canadians, European Canadians, Mexican Canadians. 24 parents acquired a post-secondary education.


The studies were conducted based on daycare and preschool centers in Western Canada. This was a longitudinal study that related to the analysis of children of three and four years old in terms of their ability to interact with parents in storytelling before they go to school. After informative and permission letters were sent, the participants underwent interviewing and videotaping. The former was aimed at analyzing parent’s literacy believes whereas the letter was oriented on recording the process of parents’ playing with their children and reading stories to them. Children were further passed following the Test of Early Reading Ability (TERA-2). For the videotaping process, two storybooks were chosen – Swimmy and Mr. McMouse by Lionni. All gestures and verbal interactions were carefully transcribed into English, even if some of the children of the parent spoke in a different language. Finally, a t-test was carried out to explore the differences in parents-children interactions premised on the two identified books.

Significant Findings

The study has revealed that parents who predominantly used elaboration and clarification positively influenced children’s literacy achievement. It has also been revealed that children make use of confirmation statements while interacting with their parents. Another important finding refers to the degree of parent-children interaction. Specifically, a higher degree of interaction was observed while analyzing illustrations in storybooks. Finally, it has also been discovered that “…confirmation statements could be a first step in helping children understand the text” (Lynch, Anderson, Anderson, & Shapiro, 2008, p. 237).

Author’s Conclusions

The author has concluded that storybook reading can create a platform for parents to develop more abstract thinking among their children, as well as working out specific strategies to interact with the text. Parents should also be attentive to children’s skills to be able to extend their knowledge and experience.

Student’s Conclusions-Impact on own Teaching

Judging from the above-presented studies, there is an evident connection between storytelling and reading because it contributes to children’s developing and advancing their abstract knowledge. My focus child, Stepan of 4 years old, likes reading books about the dinosaurs, as well as playing with them. Because he can remember stories, parents should take greater care of the story-sharing procedures to advance the cognitive development of the child. Images of favorite personages should also be present to make Stepan more interested in retelling what he heard in the past. More importantly, parents should also introduce new storybooks about other heroes and animals to expand children’s outlook and extend their current knowledge. Finally, despite its Armenian origin, Stepan can also speak English, which allows parents to apply strategies of storytelling to develop language skills as well. For instance, the books on dinosaurs in English should facilitate Stepan’s understanding and knowledge.


Lynch, J., Anderson, J., Anderson, A., & Shapiro, J. (2008). Parents and Preschool Children Interacting with Storybooks: Children’s Early Literacy Achievements. Parents and Preschool Children, pp. 227-242.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, April 13). Children’s Early Literacy Achievement and Parents’ Role.

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StudyCorgi. "Children’s Early Literacy Achievement and Parents’ Role." April 13, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Children’s Early Literacy Achievement and Parents’ Role." April 13, 2021.

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