Cinematography, Editing, and Music in The Square and Force Majeure Films


The Square (2017) and Force Majeure (2014) are two films by Swedish director Ruben Östlund that, while representing different genres, open up similar themes to the viewer and use similar formal elements of style. Both films are intense studies of human behavior in unusual circumstances, revealing the contradictory nature of our social norms and values.

Comparative Film Analysis


One of the critical elements uniting these two movies is their cinematography. Östlund uses static camera setups and long shots to draw viewers into the film’s space. In addition, both works of art prefer detailed, art-house frames that are often aimed more at triggering an emotional response than narrating a story.


Moreover, the performance styles of the two of them have a lot in common (Force Majeure). Ruben is known for his sharp social commentary. In The Square and Force Majeure, he uses irony and satire to expose the absurdity of social norms and values. These works challenge the viewer, posing complex moral dilemmas and prompting reflection on one’s values and prejudices.


At the same time, the editing in both films is characterized by its precision and accuracy. Östlund uses editing to amplify his thematic ideas and motifs. This aspect can be seen in Force Majeure, where the rhythmic editing of the avalanche scene enhances the feeling of instability and threat. In The Square, editing is used to create a sense of chaos and disorder (The Square).


Finally, the use of music in films also bears similarities. In both cases, music is used to enhance the atmosphere and set the mood. In Force Majeure, tones are used to amplify the sense of tension and danger, while in The Square, it adds an element of absurdity and unpredictability.


In essence, the alignment between The Square and Force Majeure transcends thematic parallels, encompassing a shared cinematic language that amplifies their storytelling prowess. The films masterfully capture the essence of their narratives. At the same time, a shared commitment to an authentic performance style and meticulous editing further accentuates their mutual exploration of human complexities when faced with the extraordinary. The formal elements not only emphasize thematic coherence but also solidify their status as insightful works, illuminating the complexities of human behavior and societal norms amidst exceptional circumstances.

Works Cited

Force Majeure. Directed by Ruben Östlund, performance by Johannes Bah Kuhnke, TriArt Film, 2014.

The Square. Directed by Ruben Östlund, performance by Claes Bang, TriArt Film, 2017.

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StudyCorgi. "Cinematography, Editing, and Music in The Square and Force Majeure Films." January 25, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Cinematography, Editing, and Music in The Square and Force Majeure Films." January 25, 2025.

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