Climate Change and U.S. Government Action: Addressing the Impact and Legal Framework


Climate change is the long-term average deviation of the Earth’s surface temperature, precipitation, and other climatic variables induced by human activity. This activity mainly includes the emission of greenhouse gases into the environment, such as methane, carbon dioxide, and others. This phenomenon is part of the Anthropocene, a proposed geological era in which human impact on the environment is the dominant factor shaping the Earth’s systems.

Actions Toward Climate Change

Climate change has serious consequences for society and the environment, including frequent and severe natural catastrophes, increasing sea levels, and biodiversity loss. In the US, the average temperature has risen by 1.9°F since 1895, with the majority of that increase occurring in the past few decades (Sperry et al., 2019). Rising temperatures and shifting precipitation patterns have resulted in lower agricultural yields, food costs, and wildfires.

The US government has taken some actions to address climate change. In 2015, the Obama administration announced the CPP, or Clean Power Plan, aimed at reducing carbon emissions from power plants, but the Trump administration later rolled this back (Jones & Fowler, 2022). The US must keep working to lower greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy investments, and support communities in adjusting to the impacts of climate change.

Additionally, there have been cases related to climate change, including Massachusetts v. EPA, or Environmental Protection Agency, in which the Supreme Court ruled that greenhouse gases are pollutants and the EPA has the authority to regulate them (Sohoni, 2022). However, despite some progress, much work must be done to address the problem of climate change.


In conclusion, climate change is a significant problem facing society and the environment. Its consequences are already felt through increasingly frequent and severe natural catastrophes, rising sea levels, and biodiversity loss. The US government has taken steps to address climate change, but much more needs to be done. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, investing in renewable energy, and assisting communities in adapting to the effects of climate change are all vital initiatives humankind must take. Climate change is a complex and important issue, but with coordinated actions from government, businesses, and individuals, striving toward a more sustainable and resilient future is possible.


Sperry, J. S., Venturas, M. D., Todd, H. N., Trugman, A. T., Anderegg, W. R., Wang, Y., & Tai, X. (2019). The impact of rising CO2 and acclimation on the response of US forests to global warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(51), 25734–25744. Web.

Jones, C., & Fowler, L. (2022). Administration, rhetoric, and climate policy in the Obama presidency. Review of Policy Research, 39(4), 512–532. Web.

Sohoni, M. (2022). The major questions quartet. Harvard Law Review, 136, 262. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Climate Change and U.S. Government Action: Addressing the Impact and Legal Framework." February 25, 2025.


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