Essential Skills for Clinical Nurse Leaders: Navigating Modern Healthcare Challenges

1. Clinical nurse leader education

  • A master’s prepared nurse and clinical leader
  • Need broader knowledge in pharmacology
  • Progressive skills in physical assessment
  • Prepared to work with various groups

2. The clinical nurse leader role

  • Evidence-based practice application
  • Depends on the environment and population
  • Application of advanced competences
  • The interdisciplinary approach and knowledge transfer
  • Focus on healthcare delivery improvement

3. Clinical nurse leader achievements

  • Increased nursing hours per patient
  • Increased patient satisfaction
  • Growth of consent on nursing staff teaching
  • Reduced cases of ventilator-associated pneumonia

4. Essential II: Organizational and systems leadership

  • Important for patient care promotion
  • Emphasis on high quality and safety
  • Necessary for critical decisions making
  • Coordination of care and conflict resolution
  • Able to predicting patient outcomes

(AACN, 2011).

Note: The skills necessary for Essential II: Organizational and systems leadership apply to a clinical nurse leader specialization. They include organizational and systems leadership which is crucial for safe and high-quality patient care. The decision making should be ethical and critical which is also a part of leadership skills. Organizational skills are needed for the coordination of patient care and the successful resolution of conflict situations. Besides, these skills also include the ability to consider the influence of various factors on patient outcomes and analyze the mistakes.

5. Essential III: Quality improvement and safety

  • Important for all levels of healthcare structure
  • Essential knowledge of methods, tools, and standards
  • Application of safety principles
  • Skills and knowledge of people’s factors

(AACN, 2011).

6. Essential VII: Interprofessional collaboration for improving health outcomes

  • Ability to organize interprofessional collaboration
  • Aimed at clinical prevention and health promotion
  • Attention to patients’ values and preferences
  • Improvement of the patient and population health

(AACN, 2011).

7. Leadership skills

  • Applied in proper decisions making
  • Used for patient safety and care improvement
  • Knowledge of economic and political factors
  • Development and application of care delivery models

Note: A clinical nurse leader can use the AACN Essentials skills in the practice. The leadership skills are applied in the process of decision making to provide the nursing care of high quality. They are useful for the introduction of initiatives aimed at the improvement of patient safety and the quality of the care provided. The basic knowledge of legal, economic, and political factors and their impact on the system of health care help to realize how the system is functioning. Besides, clinical nurse leaders may take part in the development of new efficient standards of healthcare.

8. Skills to apply safety methods, principles, and standards

  • Information analysis aimed at healthcare improvement
  • Development and implementation of evidence-based plans
  • Choice of suitable care models
  • Provision of safe, effective, timely and patient-centered care

9. Skill to organize and lead health professionals’ teams

  • Promote the significance of a professional nurse
  • Use of cooperation strategies in patient care
  • Application of communicative strategies for teamwork
  • Be a group leader to provide efficient patient care

10. Growing the clinical nurse leader initiative

  • Introducing healthcare innovations
  • Shift to evidence-based care delivery
  • The research of CNL effectiveness
  • Providing a framework for national-level CNL research

(Williams & Bender, 2015).

11. Clinical nurse leader to improve care quality

  • Improvement of patient care quality
  • Increased patient care safety
  • Implementation of new initiatives
  • Factors influencing CNL integration

(Bender, Williams, Su, & Hites, 2016).

Note: CNL is responsible for the improvement of patient care quality and safety. however, some factors influence the implementation of their initiatives. Research by Bender et al. (2016) provides the study of factors that have an impact on the integration of clinical nurse leaders into the patterns of healthcare provision. The study uses a representative sample of CNL. It revealed the dependence of CNL success on organizational and implementation influences.

12. Interdisciplinary collaboration: the role of the clinical nurse leader

  • CNL – a new nursing role
  • Involving various healthcare professionals
  • The key role of CNL in integrating interdisciplinary healthcare
  • Providing effective communication in a team

(Bender, Connelly, & Brown, 2015).

Note: A study by Bender et al. (2015) discovers the role of a new nursing specialization, a clinical nursing leader. One of its functions in attracting the necessary professionals to provide a patient with high-quality care. CNL integrate interdisciplinary healthcare to the profit of a patient. Besides, their task if to organize the teamwork, provide efficient communication, and be in charge of conflict resolutions.

13. Clinical nursing leaders in healthcare

  • The necessity for master-educated nurses
  • Need for complex specialists
  • The quick progress of a new nursing role
  • Provide a partnership of education and practice

Note: The nursing experience proved the necessity for well-trained specialists that possess a complex of skills. The quick progress of clinical nursing leaders means that their role in healthcare is essential. They provide a partnership between theoretical knowledge and its practical implementation.

14. CNL in healthcare improvement

  • The complex view of problems
  • Provision of safe and favorable outcomes
  • Uniting the professionals to increase the healthcare quality
  • Integration into every sphere of healthcare

15. Clinical Nurse Leader Association

  • Accelerating CNL careers
  • Educational units for professional development
  • CNLA evidence-based practice and nursing research award
  • Providing job opportunities


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). The essentials of master’s education in nursing. Web.

Bender, M., Connelly, C.D., & Brown, C. (2015). Interdisciplinary collaboration: The role of the clinical nurse leader. Journal of Nursing Management, 21(1). Web.

Bender, M., Williams, M., Su, W., & Hites, L. (2016). Clinical nurse leader integrated care delivery to improve care quality: Factors influencing perceived success. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 48(4), 414-422. Web.

Williams, M., & Bender, M. (2015). Growing and sustaining the clinical nurse leader initiative: Shifting the focus from pioneering innovation to evidence-driven integration into healthcare delivery. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(11), 540-543. Web.

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