Coca-Cola Company’s Communication Strategy Development

The development of communication strategy, both internal and external, is essential for a company’s productive and efficient functioning. In particular, for such a large enterprise as the Coca-Cola company that operates in multiple countries of the world and strives to ensure high-level corporate culture and social responsibility profile, adequate communication is critical. The currently proposed communication strategy is designed to provide smooth change management in implementing an innovative social injustice reporting system. In addition, the message acknowledging the employees inside the Coca-Cola community about the new online platform for fast and anonymous reporting of cases of social injustice in the company will be generated. The communication strategy will be set in the context of the recent challenges in ensuring equality and social justice in society, which should be avoided and mitigated in the corporate setting.

To generate an effective communication strategy that successfully addresses the needs of an organization and engages the stakeholders in problem-solving, one must analyze the target audience to ensure proper style and communication channel. Thus, the audience of the proposed communication strategy includes all employees in various departments across the global US-based facilities of the Coca-Cola Company. The employees are a community of a diverse population trained and prepared to recognize and address social injustice as an intolerable issue in the corporate culture (The Coca-Cola Company, 2021). Moreover, the audience is accustomed to using innovative tools for internal communication, so digital means of data dissemination will be relevant.

The message that is planned to be delivered is related to disseminating the newly designed platform for timely reporting of social injustice cases in the company. The goals of the proposed communication strategy are to facilitate favorable inclusive organizational culture and raise employee awareness and responsiveness to inequality, bullying, and other manifestations of injustice in the workplace. The audience is likely to react to the message by fully accepting the initiative due to the proposed solution’s relevance to the USA’s recent events. Since the audience has been adequately assessed, it is unlikely that the message will be resisted. However, in case of resistance, the audience will have an opportunity to provide feedback through a specifically designed platform; the feedback claims will be responded to ensure mutual understanding and addressing of multiple views. The knowledge of the employees at Coca-Cola will help tailor the message by appealing to the company’s values (Opran, 2018). The channels of corporate e-mails will be used as an accessible and efficient way of reaching the audience and providing it with links to the platform.

The message that will be distributed among the employees is as follows: “Dear members of the Coca-Cola community, In the light of the latest concerns with preserving the principles of social justice in the USA, we are trying to mitigate the risks of such occurrences in the company. Equality, inclusivity, and a just working environment for all are our priorities, which is why we have launched a new online platform that will allow for quick and anonymous reporting of the cases of bullying, discrimination, inequality, or any other social injustice experienced or witnessed in the workplace. We create the environment in which we work and develop. Therefore, the contribution and the ease of communication with each of you is essential. Follow the link to access the platform. In case of any questions or suggestions, send a message in response to this e-mail, and your concern will be duly addressed. Best regards, Coca-Cola Leadership.”

In conclusion, the developed communication strategy for the Coca-Cola Company is aimed at achieving consistent social justice in the workplace environment. The analysis of the audience allowed for an adequate selection of communication channels, style, and message. Therefore, the introduced reporting platform will improve innovation and ensure smooth change management in the company. The achievement of the communication goal will allow for building a responsible, united, and competent community capable of detecting, reporting, and addressing social injustice in the workplace.


Opran, E. R. (2018). Internal communication campaigns and employees’ motivation. Social Sciences and Education Research Review, 5(1), 162-168.

The Coca-Cola Company. (2021). Learning and communication tools help build more inclusive culture. Web.

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