Community-Acquired Pneumonia in an Elderly Patient

A 68-year-old male patient was admitted with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), given antibiotics including ceftriaxone and azithromycin, and began to improve clinically, requiring less oxygenation, over the course of treatment. COPD, hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol all appear in the patient’s medical history (Karsanji et al., 2022). In the case study, patients with penicillin allergies were noted. Illnesses including nausea and vomiting have been reported as a result of food intolerance, a current source of concern.

The Patient’s Health Needs

The patient’s health needs include the airway and breathing, rest and energy, hydration and medications. When the patient arrived at emergency unit, immediately prepare for Oxygen Administration to improve the airway patency. Rest and energy are placed in a semi fowlers position for rest and comfort. Finally, adequate hydration to loosen pulmonary secretions, IV Fluids and medications as ordered.

Type of Treatment Regimen

Diet, exercise, and medical therapy are regimens. Low-salt diets are regimens. Penicillin and chemotherapy are regimens. Physical examination, radiography, bronchoscopy, laboratory tests, and azithromycin are used in the case study. Physical examination may reveal dullness to chest percussion, crackles or rales on auscultation, bronchial breath sounds, tactile fremitus, and egophony (Tordoff, & Williams, 2018). Chest radiography may indicate lobar consolidation or bilateral, diffuse infiltrates. Bronchoscopy also examines your airway to determine its cause. Leukocyte count and sputum Gram stain determine viral etiology. Urine tests can detect Streptococcus pneumoniae and Legionella pneumophila pneumonia. Azithromycin, which covers most etiologic agents, including Mycoplasma species, is the first-line treatment.

Patient Education Strategy

One of the methods is to adjust one’s way of life by cutting back or quitting on harmful habits like drinking and smoking. Second, partners can help maintain a clean home as part of the environment shift. You should stay away from dusty areas because they can cause a coughing fit. Touched frequently are objects that should be cleaned, such as doorknobs, countertops, cell phones, and the like (Tordoff, & Williams, 2018). Additionally, it is recommended to get at least eight hours of sleep per night, cover your mouth when coughing, wash your hands frequently with soap and water, and exercise regularly.


Karsanji, U., Evans, R. A., Quint, J. K., Khunti, K., Lawson, C. A., Petherick, E.,… & Steiner, M. C. (2022). Mortality associated with metabolic syndrome in people with COPD managed in primary care. ERJ Open Research, 8(4).

Tordoff, A., & Williams, L. A. (2018). Community-acquired pneumonia in adults: Diagnostic reliability of physical examination techniques and their teaching in academia.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Community-Acquired Pneumonia in an Elderly Patient." August 24, 2023.

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