Community and Workplace Intervention Programs


The best method of drug usage management is by educating people about the risks that drugs pose to their health and the health of society. One can use many efficient drug addiction control strategies in several contexts and with various areas of concentration (Zastrow, Kirst-Ashman & Hessenauer, 2019). This paper will discuss drug intervention programs integrated into the workplace and society and provide drug addiction management for a person or a group of teenagers. Intervention programs can also include concentrating more on environmental and social characteristics, practices, early life experiences, or training programs.

Community Initiatives

A community presents a variety of possible preventative objectives and is frequently thought of as an all-encompassing, close-by system that gives resources and opportunities that influence individuals’ lifestyles. Society strongly emphasizes social engagement and frequently pays attention to young people in high-risk locations (Zastrow, Kirst-Ashman & Hessenauer, 2019). Drug preventive programs in the community may also use outside support, such as the press and nearby companies, to help control drug consumption. Justifications for setting up community-based preventative initiatives, drug training, and control initiatives can be contentious. Still, they often gain more support from the community when they incorporate a diverse group of people.

Workplace Programs

An effective plan must have a documented drug-free company policy as its foundation. Random drug testing is a safeguard for the company that can stop workers from reporting to the workplace when they are not fit to do their jobs (Zastrow, Kirst-Ashman & Hessenauer, 2019). The company can consider if random testing is necessary for the staff as the first thing to think about before putting it in place. The ultimate effectiveness of workplace initiatives will depend on how the company introduces and communicates the drug-free guidelines to the personnel and how to educate them about problems associated with drug consumption. Management may require an employee assistance program if a sizable section of the firm’s workforce is also in danger from social and emotional issues.


Zastrow, C., Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hessenauer, S. L. (2019). Empowerment series: understanding human behavior and the social environment. Cengage Learning.

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