Comparison Between the UCR and the NCVS


The UCR is a program run by the FBI that collects and disseminates information on crimes reported to law enforcement agencies nationwide whereas the NCVS is a survey that the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) conducts to compile information on crime from the viewpoint of victims.


The Summary Reporting System (SRS), which compiles information on eight index offenses, is used to collect the UCR data on murder, rape, robbery, assault, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson while the NCVS was created to quantify the degree of crime victimization and its effects on people and families (Kaylen et al., 2019). The NCVS includes questions regarding violent crimes such as rape, robbery, and property offenses like burglary, and motor vehicle theft as compared to the SRS which only gathers information on the number of reported crimes, the number of arrests, and the demographics of offenders (Kaylen et al., 2019). One of the strengths of the UCR is its consistency over time, allowing for tracking crime trends over several decades while the NCVS’s strength is its ability to capture information on crimes that are not reported to law enforcement, providing a complete picture of crime victimization.

The UCR is a useful tool for criminologists and policymakers since it is also commonly utilized in law enforcement and research. Moreover, the UCR offers a thorough picture of crime on a nationwide scale, enabling comparisons across states and municipalities (Kaylen et al., 2019). On the other hand, the NCVS also collects data on the characteristics of victims and their experiences with the criminal justice system, which allows for a more detailed analysis of the impact of crime (Kaylen et al., 2019). The UCR does, however, have several drawbacks. For instance, the UCR does not consider crimes that go unreported or are handled without the assistance of the police since it only records crimes reported to law enforcement. Moreover, since certain law enforcement agencies may be more willing to record crimes than others, the UCR may be prone to reporting biases. Similarly, there are several weaknesses to the NCVS. For example, the survey relies on self-reporting, which may be subject to biases or inaccuracies. Additionally, the survey only captures crimes committed against individuals, so it does not account for crimes against businesses or other entities.

Gangs in L.A.

After reading Rodriguez’s book, Always Running: La Vida Loca: Gang Days in L.A., I have considered gang culture’s impact on young people and communities. Rodriguez’s personal story of growing up in Los Angeles and becoming involved in gang life highlights the ways in which gang culture can become a means of survival and identity for young people in disadvantaged communities (Rodriguez, 2005). At the same time, the book reveals the destructive consequences of gang life, including violence, addiction, and trauma. Rodriguez’s narrative emphasizes the need for support systems and resources for young people to break free from the cycle of gang culture and create new opportunities for themselves and their communities (Rodriguez, 2005). In addition, Rodriguez’s work focuses on the more general problems of systemic racism, poverty, and inequality that support the survival of gang culture.


The book demonstrates how gang creation and expansion in metropolitan areas may be attributed to poor economic prospects, education, and social upheaval. The book also illustrates how gang culture can feed vicious cycles of trauma and violence that damage gang members, their families, and communities.


Kaylen, M., Pridemore, W. A., & Roche, S. P. (2019). A comparison of aggravated assault rate trends in rural, suburban, and urban areas using the UCR and NCS/NCVS, 1988–2005. Crime prevention and community safety, 21, 181-199. Web.

Rodriguez, L. J. (2005). Always running: La vida loca: Gang days in LA. Simon and Schuster.

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