Comparison of “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns” and “Birdman”

When comparing the themes of Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), viewers can note one fundamental difference – the former provides a superhero story, while the latter is a parody of this genre. Both movies show middle-aged characters, but unlike Batman, who is forced to return to superhero activities, Birdman dreams about it, but he does not succeed.

Hence, one can speak about the main characters’ different goals and aspirations. Batman has to confront numerous mutants and crime leaders, including his longtime enemy, The Joker. Birdman, in turn, deals with ordinary colleagues who are not ready to perceive him as an outstanding person. In this regard, Birdman’s theme reveals the inner conflict of the character who is unable to prove his worth, while Batman’s theme describes the character’s destiny to be a hero and prove his heroism.

As a similarity between the themes of the films in question, viewers can pay attention to the psychology of the characters. Birdman, depressed in his thoughts and dreaming of a superhero life, appears as a person who cannot socialize while living in the past. He is constantly reminiscing about his early filming and acting success. Batman does not show the same emotions, but his past haunts him incessantly, thereby creating challenges during his quiet retirement life.

Nevertheless, as a difference, each of the characters perceives the past distinctively. For Batman, time without constant clashes with criminals is perceived as a value, and Birdman, conversely, wants to fight villains and become a superhero. As a result, the films push the idea of ​​the inevitability of what is destined for every person. Batman remains a hero even in retirement, and Birdman is nothing, even while continuing his acting career.

Works Cited

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. Directed by Jay Oliva, performance by Peter Weller, Warner Premiere, 2012.

Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance). Directed by Alejandro G. Iñárritu, performance by Michael Keaton, Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2014.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, February 8). Comparison of “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns” and “Birdman”.

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StudyCorgi. "Comparison of “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns” and “Birdman”." February 8, 2023.


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