Competitive Advantage in Business

Competitive advantage is the ability to offer products or services that are superior to those of competitors in the same local market. This may include a higher quality product, superior customer service, better value for money, or a faster delivery time. The success of any business depends on its ability to maintain a competitive advantage over its rivals. This is especially true for local companies, as they often need more resources than larger competitors who may want to chip away the companies’ competitive advantage (Mikalef, et al., 2020). Local business can sustain its competitive advantage by understanding the competitive landscape and leveraging the right technology.

Understanding the competitive landscape of an industry is a critical factor for local businesses to gain a competitive advantage. This involves companies deeply understanding their competition, such as their strengths and weaknesses, products and services offered, pricing strategies, and marketing tactics (Mikalef, et al., 2020). This knowledge can then be used to develop a competitive approach to gain an edge over competitors and attract more customers. By leveraging the knowledge of the competitive landscape, local businesses can gain an edge over their competitors and better position themselves in the marketplace.

Rivals can chip away at a competitive advantage in local businesses by taking advantage of the local market’s benefits, such as lower costs, access to local resources, and personal relationships. They can focus on targeting the same customer segments as the business, offering unique value propositions and better customer experiences (Mikalef, et al., 2020). Moreover, local businesses can use analytics to understand their rivals’ products and services better and adjust their offerings to meet customer needs. By taking advantage of these points, competitors can chip away at the competitive advantage of local businesses and become more successful.

In conclusion, competitive advantage is essential for a local business to remain successful and competitive. It requires a combination of strategic planning and effective implementation to stay ahead of the competition. Rivals may try to chip away at the competitive advantage of a local business. The business can take proactive steps to maintain it, which allows a local business to remain ahead of the competition and keep its competitive advantage long-term


Mikalef, P., Krogstie, J., Pappas, I. O., & Pavlou, P. (2020). Exploring the relationship between big data analytics capability and competitive performance: The mediating roles of dynamic and operational capabilities. Information & Management, 57(2), 103169. Web.

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