Complete Mapping of DNA‐Protein Interactions by Liu et al.


Liu, W., Li, J., Xu, Y., Yin, D., Zhu, X., Fu, H., Su, X., & Guo, X. (2021). Complete mapping of DNA‐Protein interactions at the Single‐Molecule level. Advanced Science, 8(23), 1-10.


The regulation of genetic information is important and must occur within the confines of specific conditions to ensure the expression of the target genes. The process occurs through Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-binding proteins (DBPs), which identify the specific sequence for attachment resulting in preservation. Regulation and expression of genetic information. Scientists have been trying to study the interaction between the DBP and the DNA because such knowledge could help understand and control mutations that cause disability. However, this attempt has faced formidable challenges because the binding process occurs fast. The past experimental challenges have used silicon nanowire field-effect transistors (SiNW FETs), a high-sensitivity single-base resolution. However, the method fails to provide a full view of the DBP-DNA interaction due to the small Spatiotemporal resolution of 10−50nm and 10−100ms for single-molecule technologies. They also face limitations related to the insufficient time scale for multiple simulations. The current researchers attempt to mitigate the challenges of (SiNW FETs) by using label-free electrical detection to observe biomolecule interactions.

Study Design

The researchers utilized an experimental study design to observe the binding process of the DBP to the DNA. Specifically, their research utilized a single-biomolecule electrical detection attached to the silicon nanowire field-effect transistors (SiNW FETs). The researchers hoped that the strategy would aid in eliminating the limitation of viewing multiple biomolecules. The researchers used a single modification of the DNA to build a monitoring system of the molecule. The DNA binding protein that the researchers used for their study is WRKYILN, the N-terminal of the Arabidopsis WRKY1 protein that is useful in DNA sequencing. Notably, this was the first study to use the experiment, and they managed to separate the various stages of DBP binding. This gives hope for a new possibility of revolutionizing the methods used in studying multiple processed biomedical interactions.

Results Analysis

The searching process for the WRKYIN primarily resulted in two distinct signal behaviors. The observation revealed that the protein does not completely dissociate from the DNA into the solution during interaction. However, within that rapid attachment, it leaves the DNA ion radius and goes to rebound after the large translocation of various DNA fragments. Consequently, there were large current changes observed in the experiment. The high-frequency process is similar to 1D, in which the WRKY1N relocates along with the main groove DNA binding. The dwelling time for the distributor is (????hop = 843 ± 61 ms and ????slid = 1.36 ± 0.09 ms with the 1D diffusing at a coefficient scale of 105–106 bp2 s−1. The study captured the sing-base-pair stepping cycle of WRKYIN along a specific DNA groove. Thus, it was possible to monitor the interaction between DBP-DNA with a single-base-pare resolution through the electrical detection procedure.

Discussion and Conclusion

The WRKY1N–DNA has a crystal structure that combines with the K122 to form hydrogen bonds with G7 and G6 bases resulting in the stability of the entire structure during the binding process. The electrical signals during the stable oscillation confirm that this complex binding is sustainable but can be revealed by a single-molecule procedure. The oscillation signals to provide clearer information regarding the structure and the dynamic behavior in the genetic formation process. The combined motion of the protein-DNA complex shows that biomolecules go through persistent vibrations while still binding. The implication is that life is dependent on the movement from single to multiple molecule interaction. The study concluded that using nanowire FET nanocircuits with silicon could pave the way to making better observations of the binding process between DNPs and DNA. The strategy has a sensitivity to enable monitoring of a single-molecule binding to the WRKY1N protein in with DNA in real-time.


Article Authority

To establish the credibility of an article, it is important to assess its recency, publishers, utilization of other researchers, grammar, and punctuation. The article was published in 2021 and is only one year old, indicating it is relevant and recent. In addition, its publication is by a credible journal that only accepts natural science studies that demonstrate scientific expertise in concrete structures and materials. The study is also peer-reviewed, implying that other researchers in the field have read and verified it for high standards. In writing their research, the authors used 47 references with their correct in-text citations in the background, literature review, result analysis, and discussion. Lastly, the paper is free from any punctuation and grammar errors making it highly authoritative.

The publication includes all the information regarding the authors’ education and professions. The first author works at the Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences and is also a student at Peking University. The second is an associate of the State Key Laboratory of Protein and Plant Gene Research and Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center (BIOPIC). The third researcher is accredited by the Frontiers Science Center for New Organic Matter Institute of Modern Optics. Moreover, all our students are in institutions of higher learning. Thus, based on their qualifications and experience, the article can be trusted to be of high quality.

Intended Audience

The article is intended for scholars, as evidenced by its complex academic language, which a person with a basic understanding cannot comprehend. The other group of people is people with an interest in biology. For instance, the research would benefit scholars in the field of genetic engineering as it reveals information about DNA mutation. Moreover, medics are interested in understanding hereditary diseases and getting evidence-based information on the solution to such disorders. Biology students are interested in understanding the preservation and transfer of genetic information are also likely to benefit from the study. Lastly, researchers interested in a related topic may benefit by identifying areas other researchers have explored and identifying a gap or selecting a topic from the authors’ suggestions.

Relevance to Biology

The researchers noted that this was a milestone experiment that pioneers the use of electrical detection attached to silicon. Therefore, this study is essential for setting the pace for new bio-molecular studies in biology. The results from the findings can also be used in building knowledge about DNA and genetic formation, such as DNA replication process (Urry et al., 2017). The study provides some insights into understanding the cell structures and functions in forming identity. It could open ways to treat or prevent hereditary diseases once biologists understand the dynamics and complexity of the binding process. Moreover, since the current study has challenges and limitations, biologists can try and replicate the experiment with multiple molecules to establish validity.


Studying scholarly articles is relevant for students as it helps familiarize them with research methods. The current study on the binding between the DBPs and DNA has remained challenging due to the unavailability of a high-resolution instrument for viewing a single molecule moving quickly. The current study opens a new pathway of possibilities that could bring hope to genetic engineers. The article is credible, and the authors’ credential portrays competency. Thus, information from the study can be reliable in getting recommendations for further research or learning.


Liu, W., Li, J., Xu, Y., Yin, D., Zhu, X., Fu, H., Su, X., & Guo, X. (2021). Complete mapping of DNA‐Protein interactions at the Single‐Molecule level. Advanced Science, 8(23), 1-10.

Urry, L. A., Cain, M. L., Wasserman, S. A., Minorsky, P. V., Reece, J. B., & Campbell, N. A. (2017). Campbell biology. Pearson Education.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, June 7). Complete Mapping of DNA‐Protein Interactions by Liu et al.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Complete Mapping of DNA‐Protein Interactions by Liu et al." June 7, 2023.

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