Computerized Equipment in Operating Room

The introduction of computerized equipment in an operating room marked a fundamental milestone in the field of medicine. This has greatly improved the care and safety given to patients during the operation process; it also improves on management and efficiency of operating surgeons. A computerized operation room reduces time lost in search of operating equipment by the surgeon or the assisting nurse. An automated barcode operating structure is able to confirm that all the relevant operating equipment is ready before embarking on any operation. Vital tests are carried out in the operating room accurately and faster in order for the operating team to make an informed decision. As opposed to a manual operating room whereby a secretary or a nurse has to write down all the detail about the operation manually computerized operation room activities are faster as all details are availed at a click of a button. However, computerized operating rooms face challenges such as system breakdown and lack of special equipment and this may cause complications to the patient undergoing surgery. The essay seeks to explore the operations of a computerized operating room, its effectiveness and the challenges encountered (Russell & Broderick 117).

A well-computerized operation room makes the work of surgeons easier; they are able to perform surgeries from control rooms. For instance, da Vinci is an online process where by surgeons use remote to control the endoscopic equipment and a binocular 3-D video scope through three robotic arms. The process requires few professionals in the operating team, a scrubbed team of one surgeon and a nurse are required to help in changing the robotic surgical equipment (Bodner & schmid 84). This is to aid immediate change to a conventional laparoscopic as well as an open process if the need arises. A computerized system of operation can transform patients’ electronic information in the operation room in order to help the surgeons come up with the right procedure for carrying out the operation. During the operation, surgeons are not in direct contact with the patient and this minimizes chances of direct contamination (Hanson 311-314).

A complete endoscopic general operation procedure which included colon resection, distal gastrectomy, and splenectomy has been successfully performed with the help of da Vinci computer-enabled surgical process. The system enables the surgical team to manipulate the endoscopic instruments during surgery, it also enhanced the clarity of the operation field and accuracy of the relevant techniques. The computerized operating procedure is comprehensive as it relieves the operating team from stress associated with some operating procedures, makes the operation process more accurate, safer and minimizes invasive surgical operations in the future (Hu li za zhi 109).

Computerized operation rooms have greatly improved surgical procedures; it has completely changed the patient health care system. The overall surgical process is enhanced by accurate and safe procedures; surgeons’ work is made easier as the operating team can control the process from a central point. However, this technological innovation is faced with challenges such as system breakdown, lack of special equipment; some equipment is cumbersome and takes time to prepare. Computerized operation rooms are affected by electrical waves from external sources and they may require shielding. The entire process is reducing the chances of cross-contamination of patients as the surgeons are not in direct contact with the patients.

Works cited

Bodner, J & Schmid, T. First experiences with robotic-assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomies. 2008. Web.

Hanson, K.H. Computer-assisted operating room scheduling. 2005. Web.

Hu Li Za Zhi. Computerized barcode operational system for package of surgical instruments in operating room. 2008. Web.

Russell, Mitchell & Broderick, Timothy. Laparoscopic Telescope with Alpha Port and Aesop to View Open Surgical Procedures 2004. Web.

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