Enhancing E-Prescribing with Computerized Provider Order Entry

Within the past ten years, the wave of digital transformation has managed to improve several fields and practices in healthcare. This technological development has made it easier for clinicians and nurses to place electronic orders automatically and transmit them within the shortest time possible. This discussion seeks to examine the role of computerized provider order entry (CPOE) technologies and how they continue to improve medical services.

CPOE refers to the procedure through which physicians and caregivers enter and share medication, radiology, clinical, and laboratory orders using computer-based systems. This topic is expected to encourage and empower more clinicians and practitioners to embrace the concept of health informatics. This practice will result in improved nursing and medical procedures, thereby transforming the experiences of the greatest number of patients.

Example of Computerized Provider Order Entry

The HITECH Act of 2009 has encouraged and empowered different leaders and managers of healthcare institutions in the United States to implement technological systems that can result in improved medical services. Lewing, Hatfield, and Sansgiry (2017) indicate that over 84 percent of acute care medical institutions in the country had implemented CPOE-related systems by the end of 2015. The widespread use of this technology is currently making it possible for clinicians to provide evidence-based medical services. The selected example for this discussion is that of electronic prescribing (e-prescribing).

Many analysts acknowledge that this technology is what led to the development of advanced or superior CPOE systems (Omotosho, Asanga, & Fakorede, 2017). This is a clear indication that electronic prescribing has features similar to those of other CPOEs.

E-prescribing is a system that makes it possible for physicians and clinicians to write and share prescriptions with participating pharmacies (or pharmacists). This form of CPOE has discouraged practitioners from sending handwritten prescriptions. The first feature of this system is that of order. Clinicians usually select the right doses and drugs for the intended patients. The second one is that of transcription whereby the targeted information is delivered to the pharmacist.

The third feature is called dispensing. This is when the pharmacist examines various issues, including allergies, possible drug-drug interactions, and quantity (Lewing et al., 2017). The fourth feature is that of administration. This means that the pharmacist will collect the right drugs and deliver them to the identified patient’s care provider.

The use of e-prescribing technology is something that has the potential to benefit clinical practice. The first advantage is that it minimizes the possibility of a medication error. This is the case since the shared information is electronic and easy to decode. It is also combined with decision support systems (DSSs), thereby guiding practitioners and pharmacists to predict potential drug-drug interactions. The system is important since it improves the quality of care available to the targeted individual (Omotosho et al., 2017). This is the case since caregivers receive timely information to address every patient’s health needs. The level of efficiency in medical support increases significantly when practitioners use this technology.

Personal Experience

This topic has impacted me severely as a patient. There is a time when I was hospitalized in a healthcare facility. My physician embraced the power of e-prescribing to communicate with practitioners, nurse leaders (NLS), and pharmacists. The information obtained from the doctor informed the most appropriate procedures for providing high-quality care. The pharmacist relied on this technology to prescribe the right drugs by the physician’s report. The professional also predicted possible drug interactions and allergies. My nurse received the selected medicines promptly. These approaches are usually capable of minimizing the chances of sentinel events (Omotosho et al., 2017). Consequently, I was discharged within a week since my condition had improved significantly.

The positive aspect associated with this personal experience is that the use of CPOE-based systems can streamline the care delivery process and address patients’ health needs. The use of e-prescribing technology can minimize errors and empower medical professionals to provide high-quality services. This experience means that healthcare institutions can continue to identify and implement superior health information technologies (Harrington et al., 2014).

This approach will ensure that the levels of efficiency and patient safety increase significantly. Additionally, the use of e-prescribing systems will empower caregivers to prescribe and provide the right drugs to more patients. Omotosho et al. (2017) indicate that this technology can reduce “the shortage of professionals and also it has the potential of contributing to economic growth” (p. 429). The approach will also guide practitioners to meet the health needs of many individuals.


The above discussion has revealed that e-prescribing is a useful medical technology that led to the innovation of superior CPOE systems. Over the years, many hospitals have implemented powerful systems to enter and share medication orders among clinicians, pharmacists, and physicians. This technology has delivered numerous benefits in clinical practice, including improved patient outcomes, increased efficiency, and reduced medication errors. I will continue to use this modern technology to transform my care delivery processes and offer personalized support to my patients.


Harrington, L., Hardison, V. L., Coates, J., Wickham, V., Norris, B., & Kane, M. (2014). Computerized provider order entry (CPOE): Important nontechnical issues and considerations. Nurse Leader, 12(3), 54-57. Web.

Lewing, B. D., Hatfield, M. D., & Sansgiry, S. S. (2017). Impact of computerized provider order entry systems on hospital staff pharmacist workflow productivity: A three site comparative analysis based on level of CPOE implementation. Journal of Hospital Administration, 7(1), 1-8. Web.

Omotosho, A., Asanga, U., & Fakorede, A. (2017). Electronic prescription system for pediatricians. European Scientific Journal, 13(18), 426-437.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 23). Enhancing E-Prescribing with Computerized Provider Order Entry. https://studycorgi.com/computerized-provider-order-entry-for-e-prescribing/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Enhancing E-Prescribing with Computerized Provider Order Entry." July 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/computerized-provider-order-entry-for-e-prescribing/.


StudyCorgi. "Enhancing E-Prescribing with Computerized Provider Order Entry." July 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/computerized-provider-order-entry-for-e-prescribing/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Enhancing E-Prescribing with Computerized Provider Order Entry." July 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/computerized-provider-order-entry-for-e-prescribing/.

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