Condoms in RestRooms Promote Awareness

Regardless of all attempts to improve the situation, AIDS remains one of the most topical issues for humanity nowadays. The current crisis means the need for actions to struggle against the further spread of the diseases. Under these conditions, the installation of condom dispensers in restrooms of the campus is an effective measure as it will help to raise people’s awareness of AIDS and decrease risks.

The given solution created the basis for vigorous debates because of the tabooed nature of all questions related to sex and sexual relations between individuals. At the same time, the installation of these machines might be considered a step towards the popularization of sexual activity with multiple partners. Additionally, the moral norms peculiar to society prohibit the public discussion of such aspects of personal life.

However, one should remember the fact that HIV, the leading cause of AIDS, is transmitted through unprotected sex (CDC). Numerous health agencies try to familiarize people with this fact and emphasize the need for condoms as the simplest and the most effective way to avoid being infected (WHO). Unfortunately, populations, especially young groups, disregard this fact and face the high firs of acquiring AIDS.

That is why the installation of condom dispensers on campus should be considered as a step towards the increase in students’ level of awareness of how HIV is passed from one individual to another. The given machines will raise interest in individuals regarding the purpose of their installation and promote safe sex. Because the youth belong to the risk group, this decision is a useful way to provide people with additional knowledge and decrease risks of acquiring HIV, which is vital regarding the existing AIDS crisis.

Works Cited

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “HIV Transmission.” CDC, 2019. Web.

World Health Organization (WHO). “Condoms for HIV prevention.” WHO. Web.

Ambacher, Richard. Semantics: Arriving at Meaning. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1993.

Fischer, David. “The New Magic Machines.” U.S. News & World Report, vol. 120, no. 11, 1996, pp. 60-64.

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