Managing Congestive Heart Failure: Strategies to Reduce Patient Readmissions


The problem of congestive heart failure is increasingly found not only in elderly patients but also among young people. Moreover, one of the central problems regularly encountered by cardiologists is high readmission rates. In order to change the situation and achieve positive results in the fight against this disease, a comprehensive analysis of all the data should be conducted and a scientific study should be carried out aimed at reducing the readmission rates and educating the population about the dangers of this problem. A detailed study of the topic and correctly posed questions will certainly help to achieve significant success and will become an essential contribution to the fight against congestive heart failure.

Background and Significance of the Problem

People who experience congestive heart failure can confirm that this problem prevents them from living a normal life and developing normally. Today, almost everyone is at risk, and hereditary or other factors do not play a considerable role. Moreover, the issue is complicated by high readmission rates even after comprehensive treatment. Thus, according to Feltner et al. (2014), “nearly 25% of patients hospitalized with heart failure (HF) are readmitted within 30 days” (p. 774). It means that the background of the problem is quite significant, and the issue requires taking rather urgent measures.

Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study

The stated problem is high readmission rates in patients with congestive heart failure. The purpose of the study is to try to develop some measures and search for the optimal ways to change the indicators for the better and find successful methods to treat the disease. In order to achieve the set goals, a comprehensive study should be conducted to review some scientific literature and the studies of other authors, as well as to examine all the results that have been found by today.

Research Questions, Hypothesis, and Variables with Operational Definitions

In order to conduct an appropriate scientific study, a research question, a particular hypothesis, and corresponding variables should be formulated. As Kripalani, Theobald, Anctil, and Vasilevskis (2014) note, specific interventions to achieve significant results in this sphere can be realized, and a number of components can be implemented to change the situation. However, in case all these measures are not properly thought-out, they can be even dangerous since false information can lead to medical errors, which in no case should be tolerated, especially when it is about such a severe health problem.

Research Question

When working on the topic, it is essential to develop a specific research question to use it as a basis for the study. It can be as follows: what methods can be useful to reduce high readmission rates of congestive heart failure? Some authors review various indicators of patients’ lives: their behavior, habits, the circle of friends, etc. (Stamp, Machado, & Allen, 2014). These data can also be necessary to study the issue in detail.

Hypothesis: Research and Null

To examine all the possible materials and make an appropriate suggestion, it is essential to develop a certain hypothesis to support a specific direction of work. When it is about the stated issue, such an assumption can also be made. It may be as follows: high readmission rates of congestive heart failure patients can be reduced by educating the population and creating specific conditions for the most vulnerable categories of people to be aware of the ways how to change their health condition for the better. Also, it is possible to examine the relationship between nursing care and readmission rates (Carthon, Lasater, Sloane, & Kutney-Lee, 2015). If some positive correlation is found, it is a reason to develop this direction of work.

Identifying and Defining Study Variables

In order to find this or that correlation between the hypothesis and the result that will be found, it is possible to propose two study variables: dependent and independent. A dependent variable can be presented in the form of reduced admission rates among patients with congestive heart failure, and an independent one is as follows: education among the most vulnerable categories of the population. If a positive correlation is found between these two variables, the results of the research can be considered to be useful and successful.

Operationalize Variables

Introducing the chosen variables means creating specific study conditions to search for particular information that relates to the issue. According to Bradley et al. (2015), certain ways to examine the problem of heart failure can include both hospital strategies and personal findings. It means that the process of implementing the variables can be conducted based on different approaches since some clear conclusions will be made only after the end of the research. Therefore, it is possible to operationalize the variables according to all the necessary methods.


Thus, a detailed study of the topic and correctly posed questions will certainly help to achieve significant success in the process of the research. Various auxiliary materials in the form of other authors’ articles can be beneficial. A specific question, hypothesis, and variables should be developed so that the research to be conducted in accordance with a pre-established plan.


Bradley, E. H., Sipsma, H., Horwitz, L. I., Ndumele, C. D., Brewster, A. L., Curry, L. A., & Krumholz, H. M. (2015). Hospital strategy uptake and reductions in unplanned readmission rates for patients with heart failure: A prospective study. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 30(5), 605-611.

Carthon, J. M. B., Lasater, K. B., Sloane, D. M., & Kutney-Lee, A. (2015). The quality of hospital work environments and missed nursing care is linked to heart failure readmissions: A cross-sectional study of US hospitals. BMJ Quality and Safety, 24, 241-243.

Feltner, C., Jones, C. D., Cené, C. W., Zheng, Z. J., Sueta, C. A., Coker-Schwimmer, E. J.,… Jonas, D. E. (2014). Transitional care interventions to prevent readmissions for persons with heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of Internal Medicine, 160(11), 774-784.

Kripalani, S., Theobald, C. N., Anctil, B., & Vasilevskis, E. E. (2014). Reducing hospital readmission rates: Current strategies and future directions. Annual review of medicine, 65, 471-485.

Stamp, K. D., Machado, M. A., & Allen, N. A. (2014). Transitional care programs improve outcomes for heart failure patients: An integrative review. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 29(2), 140-154.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Managing Congestive Heart Failure: Strategies to Reduce Patient Readmissions." December 12, 2020.

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