Cooperative Dynamics in Nursing: A Complex System Perspective

Complex adaptive systems are regarded as the systems in which the parts ad processes are not interdependent. In other words, the understanding of individual components does not automatically implicate the understanding of the whole system’s processes and behavior. The majority of people have realized or unperceived experience in complex adaptive systems as they are included in everyday life. These systems include ecosystems, climate, wildlife, cities, industries, governments, companies, markets, social networks, traffic flows, the human health, brain, cells, the developing embryo, the immune system, and the Internet. The international community and individual countries create complex systems such as geopolitical organizations, parties, wars, and terrorist networks as well.

In health care and nursing, in particular, the science of adaptive complexity is introduced as a theoretical framework that promotes a better understanding of irregular and complex situations. Specific events, the way how health care professionals act in case of emergency and their quick decision-making, and the regulation of physiological processes frequently cannot be explained by the simple cause-effect approach (Pype, Mertens, Helewaut, & Krystallidou, 2018).

That is why the principle of complexity is traditionally applied in medicine. Concerning the advanced practice of a certified nurse practitioner, interdisciplinary cooperation may be regarded as Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) as it represents the focus on the interaction between team members rather than the individual operation of health care providers (Pype, Mertens, Helewaut, & Krystallidou, 2018). This perception of teams provides insight into the roots of team behavior.

The examination of the principles of the cooperation between nurses and physicians and interprofessional collaboration is a concern that occurs on the mesolevel of the system. It is highly essential for nursing as it helps to estimate the efficiency of collaboration in comparison with individual qualifications and experience. The cooperative patterns between team members and other health care specialists have an immeasurable impact on the quality of health care delivery and adaptability during emergencies or uncertain conditions. It goes without saying that further and practicing NPs pay highly substantial attention to their individual qualifications and experience. However, the complex adaptive system of cooperation suggests that mutual work may be more beneficial for effective operation if a team is stable and work within one medical facility.

However, a distributed team and interprofessional cooperation is less effective when it is not concentrated within one institution. For instance, individual nurse practitioners who exercise their practice at the patients’ homes and the palliative home-care teams perform their tasks in changing work environments without direct oversight from regular primary healthcare professionals (Pype, Mertens, Helewaut, & Krystallidou, 2018). That is why this collaboration may be less beneficial for effective health delivery.

From a personal perspective, the significance of team-working should definitely be taken into consideration. A prevalent number of states currently mandate the regulations of reduced and restricted NP practice when advanced registered nurses cannot perform their duties without partial or full cooperation with physicians and other health care professionals. However, personal experience, individual leadership skills, and excellent qualifications should be valued as well.

The limitation of the physicians’ intervention to the advanced nurses’ practice may be regarded as a potential solution for the balance of personal achievements and teamwork efficiency. All team members may act autonomously according to established rules and standards, however, they will be certain that they may rely on their colleagues and other specialists in any extraordinary situation.


Pype, P., Mertens, F., Helewaut, F., & Krystallidou, D. (2018). Healthcare teams as complex adaptive systems: Understanding team behaviour through team members’ perception of interpersonal interaction. BMC Health Services Research, 18(570), 1-13. Web.

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