COVID-19 Effects on Food Service and Technology Industries


The global pandemic induced by COVID-19 has provoked various impacts across various sectors. For instance, the food service and technology industries have experienced contrasting fortunes. Within the food service sector, Zume Pizza started to suffer immensely, whereas Domino’s Pizza managed to improve its performance. In the technology industry, Zoom Video Communications flourished, but Nokia continued to struggle.

Industry Impact During COVID-19

Food Industry

Zume Pizza

Although both Zume Pizza and Domino’s Pizza tried to adapt to the pandemic and the closure of offline restaurants, improving their delivery services, their progress was different. Zume Pizza focused primarily on robot delivery, but the startup could not cope with the pressure and issues experienced by the food service industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Domino’s Pizza

In contrast, Domino’s Pizza, in the same sector, saw an upturn in its fortunes. With lockdown measures in place, there was a significant increase in demand for home deliveries, which Domino’s capitalized on because of the brand recognition (Messabia et al., 2022). The adoption of contactless delivery and digital ordering also proved instrumental in their success during this period.

Technology Industry


On the other hand, the technology industry has been a major beneficiary of the pandemic. Zoom Video Communications, the remote conferencing services company, saw a critical rise in its user base because of the shift toward the practice of remote working and learning. The company’s revenue for the 2020 first quarter was up about 170% from the same period in the previous year (Brue, 2023).


However, not all technology companies prospered. Nokia, the telecommunications firm, continued to experience a downturn. The company faced reduced demand for its network infrastructure products as telecom operators cut spending due to the economic uncertainties associated with the pandemic.


Thus, the performance differences of these firms during the pandemic can be attributed to the nature of their operations, the adaptability of their business models to the new environment, and the varying impacts of the pandemic on their respective industries.


Brue, M. (2023). Zoom gears up for post-pandemic growth as competition heats up. Forbes. Web.

Messabia, N., Fomi, P., & Kooli, C. (2022). Managing restaurants during the COVID-19 crisis: Innovating to survive and prosper. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 7(4). Web.

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