Assessing Neurological Side Effects of High-Dose Cytarabine


The initial goal of the data is to address whether high doses of cytarabine have neurological side effects. The reason for conducting this assessment is the fact that the present literature and publications lack up-to-date approach and interventions. The proposed information is 100% consent, and 20 out of 30 nurses participated in the research. The majority of nurses (90%) have BSN as the educational background, and 75% of nurses, who are holding a bachelor degree, work. Simultaneously, 25% of them work full-time. At the same time, 100% of nurses were comfortable in caring for patients on Ara-C.

The primary internal factors, which affect the study is the issue of time (incremental overtime). In this case, this phenomenon implies spending extra time on providing services or care (Ball, Weaver, & Kiel, 2013). As for the legislation research and external factors, the area has not limitations, and no resources are available related to the issue in the community. To address the problem, the patient-nurse ratio was used to portray whether the workload is equally spread between the nurses. Thus, 100% of staff were stretched to provide the required care. Speaking of the identification of the neuro changes, 60% of nurses did not consider insignificant fluctuations in motor functions as a major neurological change.

The information summarized above was gathered with the assistance of close and open-ended questions. The questions were designed to cover different topics to ensure the understanding of the influence of high doses of Cytarabine on the occurrence of the neurological side effects (Szoch & Kaiser, 2015). In this case, the close-ended questions aim to collect nominal data, and on the contrary, the open-ended ones intend to gather the information about the side effects and their elimination (Lee, Famoye, Shelden, & Brown, 2016).

Future Steps

Gathering and summarizing the information helps see whether the desired questions were answered. Conducting the additional literature review will have to understand the high doses of cytarabine have neurological side effects and determine the potential interventions and observations used by nurses to eliminate the issue. Gathering additional information from accredited sources will reveal new insights about the problem and might contribute to its reframing (Jesson, Matheson, & Lacey, 2011).

The next step is to conduct the analysis of the acquired data. The descriptive statistics to interpret the frequencies in the form of contingency tables will be used to reflect the results of yes and no answers to the close-ended questions (Texas State Auditor’s Office, 1995). At the same time, utilizing percentages will reflect the division of individuals by their answers. Concurrently, using this approach will help contrapose the participants, who said ‘yes’ to ones, which refer to ‘no’ answers.

Alternatively, the domains of qualitative research such as framework analysis will be employed in the form of coding and dividing the results by themes (Lacey & Luff, 2007). In this case, using diagrams to represent information visually will help understand the significance of the findings (Lacey & Luff, 2007).

The next stage is to conclude the primary outcomes of the research. This section will highlight a potential resolution to the issue and propose the steps for the future studies. The subsequent steps might require narrowing the scope of the research and use alternative research methods. At the same time, the potential implications have to be provided to emphasize the importance of the topic to the public.


Ball, M., Weaver, C., & Kiel, J. (2013). Healthcare information management systems: Cases, strategies, and solutions. Baltimore, MD: Springer.

Jesson, J., Matheson, L., & Lacey, F. (2011). Doing your literature review: Traditional and systematic techniques. Lost Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

Lacey, A., & Luff, D. (2007). Qualitative research analysis. Nottingham, UK: The NIHR RDS for the East Midlands/Yorkshire & the Humber.

Lee, C., Famoye, F., Shelden, B., & Brown, A. (2016). Data types and possible analysis techniques. Web.

Szoch, S., & Kaiser, K. S. (2015). Implementation and evaluation of a high-dose cytarabine neurologic assessment tool. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(3), 270-272. Web.

Texas State Auditor’s Office. (1995). Data Analysis: Describing data: Frequency distribution. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 8). Assessing Neurological Side Effects of High-Dose Cytarabine.

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StudyCorgi. "Assessing Neurological Side Effects of High-Dose Cytarabine." November 8, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Assessing Neurological Side Effects of High-Dose Cytarabine." November 8, 2020.

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