Defamilization and Women’s Economic Independence

Defamilization is a theory that emphasizes women’s economic disadvantages and independence from their responsibilities of caring and getting assistance from caring accountabilities to improve employment. It can be applied to evaluate the level of aid by welfare institutions for women’s ability to involve in their freedom in employment markets and their independence from family reliance. The idea’s range of defamiliarization is the foundation for the rational decisions of variables to be applied in this evaluation to provide adequate regulations. The research focuses on women as the central area of interest, entailing controls that define women’s independence and help from caring accountabilities to improve employment.

The Defamilization concept is an outcome of the feminist movement of empowering welfare nations. A significant study of the typology has applied the idea of defamiliarization and merged gender depth into a reasonable assessment of welfare countries (Cho, 2014). The research aims to increase the advancement of the defamiliarization concept by communicating the available constraints and establishing improvised operationalization. It applies cluster evaluation to similar group states. The article starts with the defamiliarization conceptual delineation to show its essential traits to attain advanced operationalization. There is a performance of cluster evaluation with initial attempts to authenticate cluster resolutions. The findings of the study indicate four sections relating to the differentiating level of defamiliarization. There is also identification of future study suggestions.


The research applies cluster assessment to categorize 20 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) nations with their level of defamiliarization (Cho, 2014). The information for evaluation was obtained from 446 articles of European Social Regulations from a family database of OECD that entails qualified data to family results and family measures across 30 OECD together with Estonia and an OECD information that gives employment numbers for international differentiation. The 20 OECD states involvement in the research were Spain, Switzerland, the United States, The United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Finland, Australia, the Netherlands, Finland, Ireland, and Austria. Lack of adequate information from Canada led to its disqualification from the study.


The study findings categorize into four clusters that are, weak defamilization (Cluster 1), Strong defamiliarization (cluster 3), Limited defamiliarization (Cluster 2), and Moderate defamiliarization (Cluster 4).

Weak Defamilization (Cluster 1)

The weak defamiliarization cluster entails Greece, Spain, Japan, and Italy. Primarily, this cluster showed high restrictions on defamiliarization, including the man gender employment breach, a gap in medium gender salary and the minimum father associated, and public expenditure on childcare and eldercare. The financial spending of females is deficient, and there exists minimum assistance to reduce the care responsibilities of females.

Strong Defamilization (cluster 3)

Its finding seems to highly promote defamilization as it entails Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Their score was minimum in gender salary gap, gender employment gap, average in the range of father-associated leave, and optimally enhance women independence from care responsibility by public expenditure for older and children. Women are economically independent as they enjoy freedom from overreliance on supportive measures, and families establish to discharge them from their care responsibilities.

Limited Defamilization (Cluster 2)

The category of limited defamilization entails Germany, Austria, and Belgium. The individuals in those nations experience difficulty in understanding that defamilization is only partly enhanced. They recorded a medium in the wage and employment gaps. But their performance was inferior to moderates cluster in this trait. Women do not have adequate freedom and independence in finance, but the support of care responsibilities indicates a different image.

Moderate Defamilization (Cluster 4)

There is an observation of moderate defamilization seen in Ireland, Portugal, The United States, France, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. The scoring is at the average level on every variable. The biggest category indicates medium terms in both the support and economic essentiality of females to free them of care burdens.

Validation of the cluster solution

Various clustering connection approaches like the medium strategy were applied to redo the evaluation to assess the categories’ consistency, but the same outcomes were obtained. The consequences of different processes that aimlessly leave out various nations indicated that most states maintain similar clusters. There were comparable study results when the evaluation was redone with variables or countries in random orders. It suggests that the groups are robust and stable.

Critical Analysis

The findings from the research show that the two scopes of defamilization link according to the study objectives. The degree of support to discharge the care-burdens of females can picture their level of financial independence; even though it solves the care responsibilities efficiently, it can be essential to consider the energies as a package of support. Father-associated leave can be balanced and bundled with childcare. Limited defamilization indicates an increased degree of the father-linked break, which is known to enhance attachments of labour might be among women as women have poor performance in economic independence. The possible gains of the maximum level father associated leave can connect through a minimum level of childcare. With the increased extent of childcare and the average range of father-connected vacations, the category of solid defamilization indicates a maximum degree of economic freedom among females. Although, the category pattern does not demonstrate a clear picture of women operating when there is an increase in the extent of childcare but a lower range of father-linked leave. The impact of various combinations of childcare and father-associated leave needs further study in the future.

Father-connected leave can be balanced and bundled with maternity leave. Maternity leave plays a critical role in ensuring efficiency regulation. By differentiating the break linked to father in the assessment, the research recognized the damaging impact of the unique privilege of leave between women and men on female employment. The findings information proposes that the period is an issue of interest. In Weak defamilization, reduced father associated leave is connected with average maternity leave, whereas the distinction between them is significant.

The research findings indicate four categories that correspond to Leitner’s study. Leitner’s report is considered a former study that entails measures that support and relieve the care burden of the family (Cho, 2014). Although, the distinctions of defamilization appear to link to familial differences when considering regulations that reduce care burdens. Solid defamilization in this research is the same as the study of Leitner that is categorized by the partial relieving of the caring duties of family. At the same time, there is a lack of honoring family for their efforts. Moderate defamiliarization connects to voluntary familial, in that the caring responsibilities of a family are enhanced, but the chances are also delivered to be partially relieved from caring burdens. Limited defamilization pictures implied familial, which does not support or reduce family care. Weak defamilization is associated with clearing familial, which indicates that it lacks a substitute to family care when imposing family’s function in caring. There are possibilities of differentiating the defamilization groups by assessing the traits of their tasks as known measures when referring to Leitner’s study. It is easy to obtain the framework concerning the country’s responsibilities like structural and intentions features associated with caring regulations.


The outcomes from the research create recommendations for future study. The initial suggestion is a need for extensive analysis of the balance and bundle of enhancement in conditions of father-linked leave, maternity leave, and childcare. These can be vital in promoting understanding of their impacts on women’s economic independence. Secondly, there is a need to boost the process of external validation of the concept. Future studies must find and create more binding external standards that could connect to the defamilization idea. Thirdly, the paper suggests that observation of the moderately little effort performed on the display of welfare nation administrations past the OECD nations, and particularly in Asia, is undoubtedly probable and could be valuable to encompass the defamilization concept to involve more countries with cluster evaluation. Lastly, there is a need for strategic advancement in the typology strategically, although beyond the possibility of this research to analyse the national framework’s institutional, ideological, and social traits and define their outcomes for defamilization measure.


The study tries to advance the typological defamilization by discussing the available limitations and exploiting a more improvised operationalization. The paper indicates that cluster evaluation efficiently creates a typology that entails organizing and developing an understanding of the universe and helps in prediction and interpretation when used with appropriate policies. The research findings identify four cluster categorizations founded on a distinct level of defamilization. The categorization appears to segment some comparison with Leitner’s concept kinds of familial. Additional comparison of the four groups might create their formal distinctions in the public care delivery unburdens and relieves the female’s care responsibilities. Future studies need to have clear objectives to clarify the legitimacy of the clustering controls, promote the external verification of the groups, propose outcomes and involve more nations for defamilization policy as shown above.


Cho, E. Y. N. (2014). Defamilization typology re-examined: Re-measuring the economic independence of women in welfare states. Journal of European Social Policy, 24(5), 442-454.

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