Dehumanization, False Generosity, and Pedagogy

Dehumanization implies injustice, exploitation, oppression, and violence of the oppressors. Dehumanization, although a concrete historical fact, is not a given but the result of an unjust order that generates violence among the oppressors, which, in turn, dehumanizes the oppressed.

Practice is an acquired life experience; changes in the world are possible through practice only through reflection and influence on the world to transform it. It means a perception of reality that is not followed by a critical intervention that will not lead to the transformation of objective reality precisely because it is not an accurate perception.

False generosity manifests itself in ostentatious help to those in need, which, in fact, only depresses them even more. It only shows that those in power have the opportunity to lend a ‘sincere’ helping hand when true mercy lies in the fact that the gap between the oppressor and the oppressed is blurred.

The author called the pedagogy of the oppressed a pedagogy that must be forged with the oppressed (whether individuals or peoples) in the struggle to restore their rights and humanity. This pedagogy makes oppression and its causes the objects of reflection of the oppressed, and from this reflection follows their necessary participation in the struggle for their liberation; that is, pedagogy is understood here as a struggle.

Instances of dehumanization

In fact, this still applies to pedagogy, where in many countries, for example, black children and others who oppress them, the concept of oppressor-oppressed is supported. If we move away from the educational environment, then the oppression of the LGBT community is still associated with the views laid down in childhood, so it is essential to educate children in the fight for equality and freedom.


Freire, P., Ramos, M. B., Macedo, D. P., & Shor, I. (2020). Pedagogy of the oppressed. Bloomsbury Academic.

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