Dichotomy in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Poem

The dichotomy is the division of opinions that are contradicting in their meanings and application. The poem sir Gawain and the Green Knight is about testing the morals that people uphold. The poem revolves around Gawain and the Green Knight. The Green Knight is the challenger who puts sir Gawain to a test. Among the Knights of the Round Table in Camelot sir Gawain was put into deliberation as being the noblest knight. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight helps to show that Christianity plays a big role in shaping morals and making people honorable in society. It is from Christianity that knightly chivalry is derived from.

In this poem, Chivalry is known to greatly emphasize the appearance that people present and use it to judge them, other than being told the truth over crimes committed. This is a form of deception because reality lies on the truth. Since appearance is used to judge people, the people who belong to the court present themselves to be attractive and nice to people in Camelot because they are afraid of revealing their true selves for fear of being judged. When Sir Gawain is in the Bertilak castle he is taught a different form of chivalry which has its basis on the truth which represents reality.

Gawain accepted the kisses from the lady because he was just being courteous. He did not want to offend her for having refused the sexual advances that she was making on him. Gawain was being deceived by the lady because it was all a setup. After he came to know that the whole thing was a set up he felt hatred towards himself because he could see that he was not a perfect knight. Being courteous sometimes does not guarantee one to bend the rules laid down. The Green Knight had the right to kill Gawain by beheading him, but instead, he decided to be courteous and he cut him slightly on the neck and thus spearing his life.

The girdle given to Gawain by the Green Knights’ wife is said to possess powers that are meant to keep someone from harm. This shows that human beings fear death and that is the only reason Gawain accepted it. This is a contradiction with the Christian faith. It also symbolizes respect and disgrace at the same time. This is because Christians view it as a sign of disgrace. After all, it exposes the body while the people who are believed to be pagans view the girdle as a sign of respect. The lady deceived Gawain about the girdle and by luring him by the sexual advances. The reality is that death is inevitable and no material can prevent anyone from harm.

Gawain goes to confess his sins to the priest for having accepted to give the lady the kisses. However many human beings try to deceive themselves, reality always checks in and makes them confess their sins. The Green Knight confesses to Gawain that he had set up the temptations that he faced at the castle and this made Gawain get so worried. The confession comes with regrets and that is why Gawain found it hard that the Green Knight found him to be good and very decent after everything he had done. This poem helps to define the values of people in society using religion.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, December 13). Dichotomy in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Poem. https://studycorgi.com/dichotomy-in-sir-gawain-and-the-green-knight-poem/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Dichotomy in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Poem." December 13, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/dichotomy-in-sir-gawain-and-the-green-knight-poem/.


StudyCorgi. "Dichotomy in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Poem." December 13, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/dichotomy-in-sir-gawain-and-the-green-knight-poem/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Dichotomy in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Poem." December 13, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/dichotomy-in-sir-gawain-and-the-green-knight-poem/.

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