First person point of view uses a personal approach and generally employs the pronoun “I” or “we”. It is less formal, and often contains some personal opinion, though it may be supported with evidence. First person viewpoint may be used in most types of essays. However, the aim of the essay may make this less useful than other viewpoints. For example, a personal description of something viewed, such as a painting in a gallery, can be written from the first person viewpoint as long as personal opinion is what is desired and not objective analysis. A first person narrative allows the audience to get closer to the internal thoughts and feeling of the narrator.
This is appropriate as long as it is not necessary to limit the view of the narrator. Exposition is generally not written in first person, because it would be rather awkward and not objective enough. Compare and contrast, classifying and arguments may be written in first person, but only when objectivity is not required
Second person point of view is very difficult to work with, but can be useful when directions are given. The Pronoun is often left out, as in: click start and select My Computer….. Second person can be powerful for narrative, but it is very difficult to control and do well. However, advertising description makes excelleny use of second person viewpoint, The other types of essays do not work in second person.
Third person point of view is distanced from the audience. It is usually objective and formal. This viewpoint is appropriate for all the types of essays in the list , but arguments are more powerful in first person as a rule. Exposition and classification always seem to use third person, as it is the most objective, and scientific areas are using the words.
The aim of writing is more important than the type for choosing viewpoint, as this separates the formal and informal types of usage. All of these: description, narration, exposition, comparing and contrasting, classifying, work well in third person, especially if objectivity is desired. Second person is usually reserved for advertising and giving directions, and is not easy to use. First person is the most immediate, the easiest to use and is the closest to the audience, but it is not considered objective or formal enough for academic or business use.