Discussion of Attempted Murder

Inchoate crimes primarily include attempts, conspiracy, and solicitation and are based on the harmful intent of the suspect. Consequently, these cases also include attempted murder, which is probably the most disturbing example of inchoate crimes. One such case includes the prosecution of Michael Hayes, who deliberately shot Bobby Gale – a 45-year-old black man – on the basis of racial hate (Deliso, 2021). Consequently, Hayes was charged with attempted murder and wielding loaded firearms in public (Deliso, 2021). Fortunately, despite being shot 7 times, the victim survived and had no life-threatening injuries (Deliso, 2021). This crime is an obvious case of first-degree attempted murder, and Michael Hayes should rightfully serve his sentence.

Personally, I believe that criminal intent is not a sufficient reason to prove someone guilty. If a person wishes to harm another individual but stops themselves either because of their moral principles or fear of punishment, then this person should not be considered a criminal. After all, I firmly believe that everyone is susceptible to some kind of harmful thoughts and intentions. However, in this particular case, hate intention was followed by deliberate actions, and, therefore, is the direct step to murder, which cannot be justified regardless of the situation. Michael Hayes had obvious intent to act and intent to kill, which are the two requirements to be charged with attempted murder (Theoharis, n.d.). Consequently, the two types of defense in such cases generally appeal to impossibility of killing and the possibility of renunciation (Theoharis, n.d.). However, the suspect shot Bobby Gale 7 times, which makes it impossible to defend him from these perspectives. Hayes should appear in court on October 28, where his crime would be assessed. I believe Hayes should be charged with attempted murder and punished with the full force of the law.


Deliso, M. (2021). Suspect charged with attempted murder in alleged hate crime shooting of Black man. Yahoo!news. Web.

Theoharis, M. (n.d.). Attempted murder. CriminalDefenseLawyer.

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