Discussion of Fictional Works of Art

Fictional works of art are of particular value to both culture and society. They are some indicators of the intellectual achievements of mankind, which can be used to track its progress. When considering contemporary works of art that could become classics in the future and remain relevant for a long time, you should pay attention to the message they contain. Most importantly, the work should convey the idea that the people of the future can relate with regardless of external conditions. Thus, the work should focus on the humanistic aspects, the intrinsic traits inherent in human nature.

In this regard, it is fascinating to consider how authors perceive and reveal the timeless aspects of human nature. For the final project, I would like to look at the movie 99 Francs by Jan Kounen, which was released in 2007. For many years, this movie has remained for me the most emotionally powerful contemporary literary work. This is a film adaptation of the great novel of the same name by French writer Frederic Beigbeder. This work reflects the contemporary world of material and hedonistic values, making it extremely contemporary. At the same time, the author affirms the primacy of human nature and the emotional, as well as social needs of people. The main character of the movie, Octave Parengo, gradually becomes disenchanted with the values ​​imposed on him by the brilliant world of advertising and marketing. He understands that all this is just fiction of no value. Octave gradually comes to the realization of his own helplessness and inability to get out of this situation. He is aware of his human intellectual, emotional and social needs and also rejects materialistic ones.

Thus, this movie can be an example of how, even in the modern world, people need to satisfy their natural needs. It reveals precisely the essence of a human being, regardless of external factors, and explains its value. In my opinion, this work is a true masterpiece of literature, as it discusses the timeless aspects within the framework of a changing world. Although there are now many works with a similar theme, Jan Kounen expressed it most fully and frankly.

Work Cited

99 Francs. Directed by Jan Kounen, Légende Films, 2007.

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StudyCorgi. "Discussion of Fictional Works of Art." March 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-of-fictional-works-of-art/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Discussion of Fictional Works of Art." March 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-of-fictional-works-of-art/.

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