Discussion: What Should I Be Paid?

The job market has changed, influencing the interviewing and salary negotiation processes. If previously employers proposed a little higher wage than the candidate had, they are currently trying to lower the employee’s offer through a tricky negotiation process (Peck, 2021). Thus, salary history became strategic information that can be used both by employers and employees.

Talking about my experience, I have never been asked about the amount of money I currently earn, but I have been asked about my salary expectations. It influences the hiring process and final offer because the employer understands how you estimate your competencies. However, it does not necessarily negatively affect job candidates because this situation can become a chance to clarify expectations and values. For example, candidates can discuss how job conditions, compensatory packs, and other benefits influence their salary expectations. Such negotiation will require additional market research, but it may also allow the candidate to take the leading position in salary negotiations rather than being pushed into unfavorable conditions.

In my opinion, companies should ask tough questions, including salary expectations, because they take risks hiring people and have a right to study the candidates and make sure that they are suitable. Though questions reveal more information on candidates’ soft skills and character, allowing companies to predict future employee behavior and if they align with team values and style. There is no need to answer the salary question directly. I believe it is more important how a candidate handles such a situation rather than their salary expectations.

In addition, the article held interesting information that some paying options (like stock) are overlooked by many workers (Peck, 2021). There are many more points to negotiate and discuss with potential employers. Discussing salary will soon become less stigmatized and become just one of the talking points during the interview process.


Peck, E. (2021). What Do You Think You Should Be Paid? The New York Times. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Discussion: What Should I Be Paid?" August 4, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-what-should-i-be-paid/.


StudyCorgi. "Discussion: What Should I Be Paid?" August 4, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-what-should-i-be-paid/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Discussion: What Should I Be Paid?" August 4, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-what-should-i-be-paid/.

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