Disseminating Evidence in Nursing


The dissemination of the project’s results to improve practice and keep the spirit of inquiry alive is undoubtedly one of the complex tasks for a healthcare professional. However, with a competent approach to planning this goal, achieving the best results and high achievements is possible. This paper aims to justify the choice in favor of specific methods, tactics, strategies, and approaches in demonstrating the project.


Disseminating the results through a presentation with colleagues is an approach that will be used to share the results of the practice change project. Without any doubt, this method can be used both for teaching EBP and to engage stakeholders in the process. According to Horntvedt (2018), this approach is one of the most effective and productive in the context of interaction between an educator and students. Furthermore, academic processes using this strategy ensure the quality of teaching and contribute to implementing a favorable environment to support the activity and interest of students.

The Best Plan

According to the student, awareness and sharing knowledge are among the best ways to keep the spirit of inquiry alive within an organization. Therefore, this plan increases productivity and enables employees to perform their work efficiently and promptly while gaining easy access to information, resources, and experience (7 Ways to Improve Knowledge, 2022). Thus, this plan is associated with many advantages and positive aspects and is the best choice based on specific goals.

A Possible Solution

Indeed, identifying a mentor to champion EBP is possible and feasible in practice. It is assumed that this approach will be appropriate within the framework of an ordinary working day and in stressful conditions. The EBP Mentor provides adequate assistance and support to nurses using a multifaceted approach to their work. This specialist can maintain a positive attitude and a favorable atmosphere, minimizing stress, fatigue, and burnout.


Summarizing the above, distributing the results through a presentation with colleagues is one of the best ways to demonstrate the project in the best light. Accordingly, supporting the spirit of research in the organization will allow the mutual exchange of knowledge, skills, and awareness maintenance. In addition, attention should be focused on identifying a mentor to champion EBP; this approach can be realistic even in stressful clinical conditions.


Horntvedt, M. E. T., Nordsteien, A., Fermann, T., & Severinsson, E. (2018). Strategies for teaching evidence-based practice in nursing education: A thematic literature review. BMC Medical Education, 18(1), 1-11. Web.

7 ways to improve knowledge sharing across your organization. (2022). Starmind. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Disseminating Evidence in Nursing." January 15, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/disseminating-evidence-in-nursing/.


StudyCorgi. "Disseminating Evidence in Nursing." January 15, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/disseminating-evidence-in-nursing/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Disseminating Evidence in Nursing." January 15, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/disseminating-evidence-in-nursing/.

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