Diversity and Identity in Global Environment

Diversity and identity are usually placed together, and diversity is the existence of variances in thought, behavior, identity, origin, and lifestyle. The portrayal of identities over a range is regarded as diversity. On the other hand, defining our identity is commonly how we characterize ourselves in terms of age, sex, relationships, culture, origin, and profession. Likewise, the context of diversity and identity is essential, especially with how we portray and comprehend our inner selves in a highly sophisticated world (Hillman et al. 230). The essay aims to comprehend the intricacies of diversity and identity in a global environment, how our identification is affected by the external world, government action, media, and the significance of personal diversity.

The diversity of individuals impacts everything around society, including social networks, customs, foods, media, as well as our place of work. Comprehending diversity is understanding who we are as a society, including sexuality, religion, race, disability, and gender. For example, families grow the diversity of their children through ethnicity, religion, and gender, which in the long run influences how they associate with people around them. Likewise, some government regulations attempt to interfere with the diversity of its people by enhancing the results of children and adults. The diversity of people around the world is influenced by various cultures, languages, and music. Several traditions and languages must be preserved to enhance representation and keep the diversity of multiple communities. Also, the consolidation of benefits for certain individuals in our society at the cost of some people is the product of intensely embedded cultural and structural systems.

Additionally, to realize the importance of diversity in our society, we must address the vastly underrepresented minorities facing challenges, including exclusion from school. For example, this is especially true in higher education, where African Americans, Latinos, and persons of poor socioeconomic status have long been excluded. Similarly, the dedication to diversity is at odds with the history of exclusion. As a society, we should attempt to classify and address institutional and social impediments based on our diversity by breaking the barriers derailing equity.

Moreover, Biss’s technique of association and inference, his painting advocated for the harmony of man and nature. Biss’s work encouraged every individual in the society to work to address disparity among different cultures. Biss’s technique is to use the form of art as a channel for personal reflection on diversity. For example, Biss’s text “social” was sued to break the lines between the poor and the rich regarding education. The reflection of the text meant he wanted to change and higher education opportunities to be given equally to all Americans regardless of race and origin.

Similarly, a person’s identity specifies who they are in light of the category they come from. People’s physical, cultural, and intellectual qualities are frequently used to define social-cultural groupings. The social identities include ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and gender. A person’s identity plays a significant role in today’s world by shaping how one behaves towards another. For example, the environment is increasingly becoming diverse in a school setting because of identity factors, including gender and racial composition. Teachers should be aware of and distinguish how their identities and those of the learners influence the training and learning. Learners who identify as marginalized social grouping may have different school experiences and other educational settings, affecting their overall experiences. For instance, an analysis of stereotype danger shows a connection between a student’s perceived importance as an associate of a disadvantaged group and subsequent academic achievement.

Equally, race is a created thought that speaks of a group of people with physical appearances such as skin complexion. Individuals might identify as a single race or bi-racial. It is vital to remember that racial gatherings are not homogenous and that the importance and understanding of race differ depending on whom one is talking to. Recently, the admission of ethnic minority and racial students has risen in the United States (Gokh et al. 1951). Several studies have revealed that students from marginalized ethnic and racial groups sometimes and again bear negative tutorial room experiences. For example, the student population’s transformation has affected the syllabus’s development that replicates the identity of learners’ ethnic and racial backgrounds to being equipped to participate in challenging conversations.

Besides, religion has quite as many classifications as there are religions. Religion is termed as actions, beliefs, and foundations accepting supernatural beings’ presence. Religious identity refers to a person’s sense of belonging to a group and connection to religion, as well as the importance of affiliation to one’s personality. For example, some students may demonstrate their religious identity through what they dress, either by choice or necessity. Several adult identities, particularly those in universities, are assumed to be devoid of religion. This belief has impacted the student’s learning atmosphere to receive little consideration for their identities, including race and gender.

Based on Biss’s technique of association and inference, the identity that conveys the weight of history short of adopting a correct understanding of the painfulness of complicity will probably raise racial freedom (Gokh et al. 1950). In Biss’s essay “relation,” he comes off nervous about the topic of race, stating that even though one is educated or well-traveled, race is a complex and multifaceted topic to account for. Also, societies have increasingly acknowledged that diversity and identity matter through concentrating on diverse teams, minimalizing bias, and implementing inclusive practices will benefit, including increased innovation. For instance, Identity care and diversity can be achieved through companion diversity with ethnicity and gender.

In conclusion, recognizing our differences and appreciating that each person is unique is essential to building a suitable global environment, which is a long aspect of ethnicity, socio-economic status, and physical capabilities. Diversity means realizing and valuing humanity’s civilizations’ and natural environment interconnection. Besides, building associations through differences so that we can work as a unit to eliminate all discrimination practices. Various cultures, languages, and music influence the diversity of people worldwide. Some traditions and languages worldwide need to be preserved to enhance representation and keep the diversity of several communities (Hillman et al. 238).

Additionally, the social identities include ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and gender. A person’s identity plays a significant role in today’s world by shaping how one behaves towards another. Similarly, a person’s identity specifies who they are in light of the category they come from. People’s physical, cultural, and intellectual qualities are frequently used to define social-cultural groupings. Religious identity refers to a person’s sense of belonging to a group and connection to religion, as well as the importance of affiliation to one’s personality.

Works Cited

Gokh, Anatolii F., Valerii V. Mineev, and Elena N. Viktoruk. “Defending identity and diversity: the potential of cultural anthropology for reshaping autism.” Journal of the Siberian Federal University. Series: Humanities 11.12 (2018): 1947-1961.

Hillman, Sara, and Emilio Ocampo Eibenschutz. “English, super‐diversity, and identity in the State of Qatar.” World Englishes 37.2 (2018): 228-247.

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