Does Shakespeare Still Matter?

Shakespeare’s works are still highly relevant to modern society and people. Despite the fact that his plots unfold in a historical setting, the poet talks about timeless matters and themes. Firstly, his characters experience the same conflicts and problems as modern people do. Secondly, they have difficulties understanding themselves and building relationships with other people. Lastly, Shakespeare relates to universal questions about the essence of human being. The discussion below will show that Shakespeare’s works are still relevant as they appeal to human nature and timeless questions about life.

Shakespeare lived over 400 years ago and explored timeless matters which reflect both past and present issues. The works of the poet referred to personal and social problems such as love, death, ambition, power, nobility, kindness, and others (Elsom 144). Although his narratives take place in a historical setting, which is quite different from a modern one, these themes can be applicable to the life of any person living today. Shakespeare’s tragedies and comedies focus on relationships between people and explore their inner motives (Elsom 144). For instance, these are Hamlet’s controversy of virtue and revenge, the forbidden love of Romeo and Juliette, or Macbeth’s drama of an uncontrolled ambition for power and betraying friends. Hence, people can relate to the poet’s characters as they have the same conflict and problems as modern individuals can face.

Then, Shakespeare posed the most universal and timeless questions that matter for all people of any age. For example, the poet’s characters wonder what is the purpose of human life, which is the question that any person asks themselves at some point (Elsom 127). Macbeth says, “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” (Shakespeare 197). Shakespeare relates to universal topics on which people still cannot find consensus. That makes his works relevant to the present as well as to the future.

In conclusion, Shakespeare has a deep influence on modern literature as his characters are still relatable to the conflicts and problems they face. People can find their own problems in the works of the poet and try to look at them through the eyes of his characters. The pet poses timeless questions about philosophy and life itself, which are still bothering the minds of people around the world.

Works Cited

Elsom, John. Is Shakespeare Still Our Contemporary? Taylor & Francis, 2003.

Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth. Folger Shakespeare Library, 1606. Web.

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