Door-to-Door Sales and Personal Relationships

Although salespersons can adopt various ways of reaching out to potential customers, door-to-door sales are the hardest. Door-to-door sales involve going to potential clients directly and convincing them to buy your products. The sales method requires techniques that will make the potential customer trust the salesperson. Various challenges are expected during door-to-door sales since not everyone is interested in buying new products. Techniques that create a personal relationship between the potential client and the salesperson are crucial.

Tad Friend (2022) in his article “Sam Taggart’s Hard Sell A door-to-door salesman’s quest to rebrand his profession” discusses the various opportunities and challenges faced during door-to-door sales. Using the personal example of Sam Taggart, Tad Friend explores how selling can change the life of the salesperson and their client. During the selling, many clients are responsive based on the kind of language used. The use of words that are charming and convincing is likely to win a client (Friend, 2022). The salesperson must understand the common language of their target customers. Additionally, if a salesperson believes in what they sell, they can make their target clients believe too. Therefore, door-to-door selling is more of a social interaction act than just business.

The salespersons may find it difficult to sell to individuals they have a close relationship. For instance, some clients want the salesperson to discuss personal matters during selling. Consequently, it becomes difficult for the salesperson to discuss their products. Some clients may take advantage of the close relationship, and ask favors from the salespeople which may include purchasing on credit. Greenberg Martin S. and Shapiro Solomon P. (1971) in their article “Indebtedness: An adverse aspect of asking for and receiving help”, confirm that people tend to help and do not injure those who helped them. Salespersons find it difficult to deny their close friends their products regardless of their payment terms (Greenberg & Shapiro, 1971). Although door-to-door selling is one of the best approaches to convincing potential clients, the personal relationship may lead to poor sales performance.


Friend, T. (2022). Sam Taggart’s hard sell: A door-to-door salesman’s quest to rebrand his profession. The New Yorker.

Greenberg, M. S., & Shapiro, S. P. (1971). Indebtedness: An adverse aspect of asking for and receiving help. Sociometry, 34(2), pp. 290-301.

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