Ecosia: Updating the Marketing Plan


Changing and updating the marketing plan for a company is a necessary step in gaining more attention and keeping a place in the market as the trends and customer preferences change. Major companies change with time to enforce their strong position, while smaller brands reinvent themselves to grow and expand. This marketing plan reviews the case of Ecosia, a small search engine initiative focused on environmental protection.


Ecosia is a non-profit search engine that promises to donate money to tree planting when users use the platform. Developed in Germany, the search engine is available worldwide, and it has reached great success in becoming environmentally friendly and popular among small communities (JCDecaux, 2021; Law, 2021). Nevertheless, it still has a limited reach compared to other industry giants, such as Google, and less popular but widely used search engines, such as Bing, Baidu, Yahoo!, and others (Law, 2021). At the same time, the popularity of environmentally conscious companies continues to grow, especially among younger customers (JCDecaux, 2021). Thus, a change in the current marketing plan may benefit Ecosia and increase customer awareness, reach new segments, and raise the popularity of the search engine.


The intended market for the revamped strategy includes young adult and teenage Internet users. In particular, it is expected to appeal to younger Millennials and Gen Z consumers, including students and recent graduates who use search engines for education and personal needs. The choice of the age demographic is explained by their higher interest in sustainability and environmental protection. The choice of the intended market implies a need to use social media and marketing strategies that appeal to the younger generation. To collect the necessary information, marketing materials from Ecosia’s blog and website will be used as a starting point. Next, statistics and studies considering the current search engine market, sustainability trends, and consumer behavior will be consulted.


Ecosia is a growing brand that offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to Google and other major search engines. It can revamp its marketing plan to attract a younger generation and increase its brand presence. Ecosia already has some marketing efforts and a positive brand image, which can be used to improve its position further. Thus, the marketing plan will use the existing strategy and build upon it using the latest findings in research.


JCDecaux. (2021). Ecosia launches first ever Out-of-Home and TV advertising campaign to let new users know they can plant trees with their searches – no matter how weird. Web.

Law, T. J. (2022). Meet the top 10 search engines in the world in 2022. Oberlo. Web.

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